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Tailing the Komets

Starenky-Smyth fight


Fri, 02/24/2012 - 9:05pm

Blake, do you know why Thorne got a game misconduct?

Fri, 02/24/2012 - 9:08pm

Whoops, never mind.  I see that he is back.  They listed it as a game misconduct on the CHL site.

Fri, 02/24/2012 - 9:40pm

I thought the same thing and saw he just scored. Thought at first another bad call by the refs.

Blake Sebring
Fri, 02/24/2012 - 9:47pm

Exactly. Ref blew it the first time. He removed his elbow pad.


Sat, 02/25/2012 - 2:07am

Blake I am wondering if you have a clip of Starenky's second fight. I did not watch the game on the internet but did get to list to it. It sounded like the fight was a good one. If you have a clip can you post it. Thanks

Blake Sebring
Sat, 02/25/2012 - 2:43am


Sorry, don't have that one Nick. I kind of have to pick and choose when I'm doing video and when I'm taking pictures. Sometimes I get lucky. I would guess Justin probably has that one.
