According to Komets coach Al Sims, Chaulk had his head down and got knocked out by the punch and then hit his head on the ice. Despite that, he was feeling much better after the game.
``Knowing Chaulker and that it's his first concussion, if he can pass the test tomorrow he'll want to play Friday,'' Sims said. ``We'll wait and see.''
Chaulk sat with Jesse Bennefield in the stands to watch the second and third periods as the Komets came back to win 3-2.
``He was very coherent and said he had a little bit of a headache,'' Komets General Manager David Franke said. ``He was feeling much better and didn't seem to have any problems. He seemed in find spirits after the game. Knowing Colin, he's going to want to play, but we'll have to wait and see how he is tomorrow, but his safety is our first and foremost concern.''
Concussion protocal calls for a 7 to 10 wait before doing impact test. Glad to hear he is doing ok it looked ugly on broadcast
Is that really the protocol? 7 to 10 days? So how can Chaulker come back on Friday? Isn't that a league rule?
Don't you remember the playoff game where O'Connor ran into the Rush player who was diagnosed with a concussion? O'Connor was suspended for 3 games, and the "concussed" Rush player was on an airplane 2 days later flying to Fort Wayne to join his team to play in the rest of the playoffs.
His name was Ryan Menei.
Yes normally that is the typical waiting period. They have to be symptom free before they are cleared and retested. A doctor can always do things differently and I suspect that is what may be happening with Chaulk. Head trauma is very tricky you can have no signs or issues then all of suden problems present themselves that is why a 7 to 10 window is suggested. That is our guidelines that we follow in football