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Tailing the Komets

Something to consider

Everyone has heard the saying, ``Couldn't do that if you tried.'' Maybe that's the key to the Komets breaking out of this strange overtime/shootout pattern they are in. They have played seven consecutive home games that have gone to overtime or a shootout, nine of their last 13 games overall. This is maybe the strangest thing I've seen in two decades-plus of covering the team.

Maybe they should start tonight's game by TRYING to end in a tie so they go to an overtime or a shootout.

But that's ludicrous, you say? After seeing the perplexed faces in the locker room after the game, it can't be any more ludicrous than what they are already going through. They literally have so many different answers to what's going on that they have none.

Maybe this would be a way to get them to QUIT thinking about it. All they are doing now is living through a self-fulfilling prophecy. This would be the ultimate in reverse psychology, something Ken Ullyot would have tried as coach.


Sat, 03/17/2012 - 5:16am

Perplexed faces? I'm not wondering about the over time pattern so much as to the even stranger great effort, then no effort, then great effort to no effect pattern. 

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 8:28am

I think everyone needs to stop and take a deep breath.  We need to quit thinking about what we are doing wrong and focus on the fact that this team was a winning team and can be again.  I understand that Apod's sudden departure was an upset.  But scrambling now and bringing in players that have been waived by other teams in these last few days is just adding confusion for our players.  There is a reason why they have been released by Wichita and Rapid City.

It is up to the coach to get this team back on track. This coach needs to show his players that he has confidence in THEM.  Get Mele and Starenky back in the games. They add life and energy to this team and they keep other teams off the puck by checking and playing the body. 

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 9:55am

At least the defensive breakdowns have been consistant all year long. I see more defensive breakdowns or missed assignments on this team than in our beer league.

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 10:10am

Here's a better idea...

TRY...for the ENTIRE 60 minutes of regulation!

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 12:28pm

Hmmm, seems like they were tired.  First period great, 2nd/3rd, running around, no communication to speak of...seemed worried about mistakes of others and appeared to be playing kids bumblebee hockey.  You wonder it Smith is still hurt....did not seem his speedy self....also Henley looked slower than normal.  You have to wonder if there is some other underlying problem with the team dynamics.....Smith/Chaulk?  Time to rest Nick the next few games?

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 12:37pm

One other point....why has Bennefield been playing (last nights goal is the exception)....seems he should sit and Mele (prior comment from someone) should be playing.....he is fast, aggressive and hits....Bennefield is consistenly knocked off of the puck like a feather.  Starenky or Lovell, take your pick, with Dustin out for the year, we are sadly in need of another waiver pickup on defense (something they should have done during the trade deadlines)....hopefully like our new player picked up from Rapid City....he certainly had the rink saavy last night.  Both Starenky and Lovell have proven to be somewhat suspect during the last half of this season.

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 2:27pm

Lovell is just as bad as warner. Hopefully he's done after this season.
