I remember the days of the Komet cow bells. I'm of an age now where no noise makers is enjoyed, but I think I could tolerate a return of the cow bells. To me they are the least obnoxious of noise makers. The air horns just plain hurt and cause my already constant ringing ears to go ballistic and the thunder sticks getting banged above my head by some kid sitting behind me isn't fun.
Oh how I hate cowbells!!!
I remember the days of the Komet cow bells. I'm of an age now where no noise makers is enjoyed, but I think I could tolerate a return of the cow bells. To me they are the least obnoxious of noise makers. The air horns just plain hurt and cause my already constant ringing ears to go ballistic and the thunder sticks getting banged above my head by some kid sitting behind me isn't fun.
Bite your tongue!