Puska on Pucks wants to know what is your favorite old arena or as some people call hockey barn. Why is it so special, what was your favorite experience in an old arena.
List them here and I'll forward them to Denis.
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For me it has to be Toledo! So many memories of that place, both good and bad. I was there the night Teddy Garvin threw his chair on the ice and started a riot because the Komets were beating them during the playoffs. That was something I will never forget. That and my girlfriend standing on her old wooden chair that night in bright orange painter pants and a Komets t-shirt saying that no one was going to take her Boley (Mike Boland) button from her! Now that was something to see!
Dayton. Nice and noisy. Plus good pizza.
All time for me is Wings Stadium. Best Honey Roasted Almonds. L.C. Walker was nice but small, Milwaukee, Gund Arena, The MARK, and Van Andel were the nicest and proper size for AA and AAA. The Marketplace was too large for AAA hockey but nice. The Rosemont was too chilly and the replica of the former Igloo in Madison was a dump. As for shananigans, the Cincinnati Gardens was the craziest. Got beer dumped on us.
Toledo Sports Arena.
Hands down.
The Toledo Sports Arena without a doubt. Got is a fight defending Teddy Wright after a fan spit on him.
The "Barn" was a dump, no question. The Komets won a game in O/T after scoring a goal with no time left on the clock in regulation. Robbie Laird was the coach and the team was very short handed and he signed himself to a contract for that one game. When he waived himself I think Phil Whitliff picked him up from Milwaukee Admirals knowing he wouldn't report just so he couldn't play against them. Toledo fans were always dinking lots of beer and real brave. The team had to walk up the steps and down a hall right through the fans to get to the dressing room that was the size of a small closet. Lots of wild and crazy memories.
Any of the 50 eras buildings that havent been renovated, our coliseum, pepsi coliseum, LC Walker. I like the old dark, dirty grungy looking things, it just takes you back in time