Someone has emailed me wondering if any Fort Wayne fans might be going to Dallas for Bob Chase's presentation? Tickets are $175 each and these folks are wondering if anyone would like to get together for a table of 10.
If you are interested, email me at and I'll get you guys connected.
Will this be nationally televised?
Good question. I will ask.
I was watching the NHL Network yesterday and was very pleased that they scrolled underneath the picture their "NHL News". On it they announced the Lester Patrick award winners. The only drawback was as they included Bob Wallenstein Chase, they described him as the radio broadcaster for the Fort Wayne Comets. I know that it is an easy mistake to make, but wouldn't you think that after all these years they would have a handle on the team nickname??
Many times the devil is in the details. The NHL should be better than that. There is no such thing as the Fort Wayne Comets and I hope that on any award presented they would have the courtesy to at least get the name correct.
I may be more sensitive than others on this matter because my first name is always misspelled. Instead of Alan, it always shows up as either Allen, Allan, and even Alen.
Now.. time to back off that rant. The Komets announced that tickets go on sale today. I am wondering when they will announce more signings as there are only a couple of weeks left. David Franke has kind of spoken out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. He has been quoted as saying he is working on a couple of other players-waiting to see what Frankie DeAngelis decides, and he is sure that the Anaheim-Norfolk affiliation will bring in some guys. He's also mentioned that there will be plenty of players to choose from if the lockout happens. This team is weak on defense, are sending at least five players to AHL camps, and really need to bolster every area.
It is time to move. Please!
I was at Greg Norman's golf tournament in Naples, Fl a few years back and sat next to a gentleman from Long Island, NY on the bus to the course.
He ask where I was from and I said the Ft Wayne, IN area. He said, "home of the Komets and Bob Chase". He then named most of the Komets from the past and even some of their stats like, Thornson, Long, Goodman and others.
He and the girl he was dating would set in his car evenings and listen to Chase and the Komets. She became a bigger fan then him. He said this played a large part in her becoming his wife was due to Bob Chase and the Ft Wayne Komets. His only regret was not seeing the Komets in person...
I met Murph a couple of years ago at the Labor Car Sale in Auburn and sat beside her while Bob signed autographs. We talked as if she had known me for years, what a sweet lady.
I agree! Well said Allen!!!
Hoss, you're killing me!! LOL
Hope to see you at the games next month.
relax alan, everything is under control. there are a lot of things youll never know cause they dont want you or the rest of the world to know until they are a done deal. you never tip your hand to the competition! i think the frankes have a handle on what they are doing give them a little credit.
chuckitt, your post is appreciated and correct in many areas. I'm all relaxed as there is nothing that I can do about anything anyway.
Still, when a quote appears "we're working on a couple of other players right now..." we are kind of waiting on what Frankie decides", then turn around 180 degrees and state that players will become available through Anaheim-Norfolk", then "plenty of other players will become available"...some pause enters my mind.
Frankie decided a week ago. You are not tipping your hand to the competition by waiting for players to shake out of various camps. You are not tipping your hand by making a signing ( or more) official.
As of today, this is the fewest players, in my memory, coming to camp. Both goaltenders will not be in camp. Three forwards will not be in camp. One defenseman will not be in camp. The defense is particularly weak, the forwards are in much better shape but could still use a couple more gifted players.
I sincerely believe that this team may be close to being "special". No time to, as you said, relax now if you are putting the team together.
I have no idea where they are now with the salary cap. That may be one reason they are waiting, but without DeAngelis and his salary cap hit, is one reason Franke gave for waiting on DeAngelis and his decision.
On a totally, totally different subject. Does anyone know how Vaskivuo is doing in France?
Vaskivuo's first game in France is Tuesday September 18th.
Grenoble vs. Briancon
Thanks very much, hursttech.