Suggested donation items include snack bars, any kind; men's deodorant (we have plenty of women's); jerky, any kind; popcorn, any kind; drink sleeves for bottled water; peanut butter or cheese crackers; Chef Boyardee in cans; chicken or tuna salad (with crackers in ready-to-eat packs); Pop-Tarts; breath mints; small candy bags; protein and granola bars; cans of fruit, any kind; small single-serving cereal, any kind; hot cider single-serving packets; and black knit socks and hats.
do they have a way of picking up stuff> ive got around 40 cases of packaged gummy worms to get to them and i cant carry it myself.
Chuckitt, if you can see this, there are people at the boxes willing to help carry stuff in.