Taking my son to his first away game this Friday in kzoo. Where do komet fans sit?
Blake Sebring
Mon, 12/17/2012 - 8:47pm
Behind the Komets' bench on the press box side. I think it's sections 19-21.
Tue, 12/18/2012 - 2:13am
Make sure the youngin gets some wings stadium freshly made honey roasted almonds. Loved those as a kid.
Phil The ticket master Chifley
Tue, 12/18/2012 - 2:30am
When i take younger kids i make sure i sit behind the net or really low so the glass protects us, wings stadium is small but fun. I thought they had a booze free zone too.
Taking my son to his first away game this Friday in kzoo. Where do komet fans sit?
Behind the Komets' bench on the press box side. I think it's sections 19-21.
Make sure the youngin gets some wings stadium freshly made honey roasted almonds. Loved those as a kid.
When i take younger kids i make sure i sit behind the net or really low so the glass protects us, wings stadium is small but fun. I thought they had a booze free zone too.
Lazy boy Lasch wins player of the week award.....
Please send that loser back to Norfolk!!!! Lol