Again, hope Makarov is ok but maybe this is a chance to have him sit.....again, he needs goalie training....a soft goal a game is ridiculous....has cost us many games....sit him and play Meisner.....maybe try to get another goalie which I KNOW is unlikely.......sad to watch.....sad
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 8:20am
``You know, 2-1 lead 10 seconds in and your goaltender gets knocked out and gets run, it takes you a little bit to kind of get refocused,'' Komets coach Gary Graham said.
Hmm, kind of sounds like a weak excuse to me. If nothing else the team should've been a little angry, motivated, and determined to not only stick up for a downed player but also to score. They came out soft. What happened to sending out the beloved Captain to take care of things like that?
I would've also liked to have seen some kind of recognization for Chaulk's return. Maybe instead of showing an old fight, how about some clips of him in action or something. Oh well. Don't get me wrong as I am a long-time Komet fan and supporter but I was just a little happy that Chulker came away with a win in his former home as I'm pretty used to seeing the Komets lose.
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 8:33am
While only a K's fan for the last 8 years....seeing Chaulk play only a limited time...I thought he was a good player who overstayed his welcome by a year...and by prior blogs, in the past....he was part of a problem the K's were having in the locker room.....see no reason he would have been recognized....maybe down the line but not in the near future...
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 9:05am
Who/SuZ, I usually do not comment on this blog, but, after reading your statment about Colin Chaulk, you left me no choice. First of all, Chaulker tried to hang on last year to help out this team. He had a serious injury that left him almost unable to shoot the puck and that was why he finally did retire. With that said, he is a 100% better hockey player than our new Captain Komet is or ever will be. He is also a 1000% better leader than Captain Komet OR our Current coach will ever be!!
Colin does deserve to be recognized NOW by the Komet organization for all that he has done for us! It is their loss for letting him get away and be hired by K-Zoo. as far as him being a problem in the locker room, are you serious? This guy gave his heart and soul to this team. Something that none of the current players have a clue about. All Chaulker ever did was compete and win. After reading our genius coachs comment about our goalie getting run last night, it is no wonder that any of these players have a clue what competing means. Let's see what Buffalo thinks about us allowing this to happen to their prospect and the entire team doing nothing about it. Maybe you will get your personal wish and Makarov will be recalled!
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 9:34am
"seeing Chaulk play only a limited time...I thought he was a good player who overstayed his welcome by a year...and by prior blogs, in the past....he was part of a problem the K's were having in the locker room....."
No way... this comment has made me laugh more than any other comment on the 2 komet blogs.
seeing comments like this, along with comments on how our current captian is just fine and anyone who points out that he isnt an ECHL calibor player isnt a fan, etc, etc?.. i dont understand it. i understand being a homer, i am too. but really? not this...
Primeval Forest Primate (Formerly JM)
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 11:13am
For anyone to take anything away from Colin Chaulk as a leader, captain, and player for the Komets organization is absurd.
I'm shocked that nothing was written in the paper prior to this game. Long-time Komet leader returns to FW as an assistant coach on the Kalamazoo bench and there isn't a story written?
I'm not taking anything away from Nick Boucher, but how do you honor and retire Nick's number and show absolute indifference to Colin Chaulk?
Hit the Post
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 11:51am
Shrock couldn't hold Chalk's jock strap.
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 12:20pm
Who/SuZ, your comments about Colin Chaulk must have been meant to be funny, right?
As previously stated, you will find NO ONE in the last decade of Komets hockey that gave as much to this team and this town as Colin Chaulk. He has been one of the greatest players to ever put on the orange and black. He put his heart and soul into this team, game in and game out. He has served the community extremely well by training and teaching the youth of this town with his many hockey and skating clinics. I'm sure there are thousands of kids and their parents who would wholeheartedly agree with me. I challenge you to find many people out there that would agree with your comments about him.
That being said, you are totally entitled to your opinion, but I think you might have missed the mark on this one. I understand you're relatively new to Komet Hockey, but when you look back a few years from now, I hope you will realize you were totally wrong about Chaulker!
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 1:50pm
1) Nobody's ever wearing #91 for the Komets ever again, so calm down
2) The Komets aren't going to formally retire Chaulk's number as long as he is toiling away for another team in the same league, a position I find eminently reasonable.
3) The Komets didn't hire Chaulk as the head coach, I suspect, because they didn't think he was ready, had enough experience, etc. This was apparently the position of every other team in all of minor league hockey that was in the head coaching market, since he's not a head coach anywhere.
4) Hiring Chaulk as an assistant would have preemptively undermined whoever they hired as the head coach, whether Gary Graham or Scotty Bowman
5) (and off-topic) Under David Franke, the stupidest GM in the history of minor league hockey anywhere in the known universe and probably in universes yet to be discovered, the Komets are, in the aggregate, batting about .600 with a grand total of 3 sub-.500 seasons
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 2:30pm
Pretty sure Who is way off base here. Hit the post is totally correct. RonFWA is correct to a certain point. Teresa 215 seems to have a pretty good handle on the situation.
I don't think anyone is stating that last night should've been a "Colin Chaulk Night". It should've been a recognition of a great Komet who has come back home. As I posted on the other blog, "a before the face-off" 60 second montage of highlights of his career, followed by a "Fort Wayne thanks you" from Larry would've given the fans a chance to acknowledge him. It would've been the proper and decent thing to do. I am embarrassed for the franchise that they didn't.
Lots of questions still cling to this club. One of which is what kind of injury does Carter have? When will the Orlando "considerations" show up? What kind of Utah "considerations" are the Komets expecting.
There are so many "holes" in this line-up it smells of swiss cheese.
If the Komets think that they can contend and depend on Meisner, during Marakovs absence, they are making a big mistake. It's an injury they will ill afford. (I think they've been pretty lucky so far. I can't imagine what would happen if either Marino, Fleming, Auger, or Embach got hurt).
The third line plus one more (I'm excluding Nutkevitch) need to go.
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 2:34pm
Pepin screened the goalie on 2 goals and was them main reason the Komets lost last night.... Goalies have a hard time stopping shots when a 6'7" tall pylon is in the way...
I watch other games around the league and this soft, non checking style is not the norm...
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 2:40pm
I agree with Ron about no one wearing #91 again...or at least I hope they won't and I do not think that they should have a ceremony hanging his jersey in the rafters while he is coaching a division rival, but, with that being said, they could have had a 45-60 second spot on the score board last night showing some of his highlights with us. I do n ot think that is asking to much for someone who has meant so much to this franchise.
As far as us not naming him the coach, I can't see why they would not want someone who has been in our organization for 10 years and deeply understands what Komet hockey is all about. I think we all thught they were trying to groom him to take Sims place once he left. Wrong again. Instead we hired this longtime, veteran coach "Scotty Bowman Graham". Somene who has coached at least 2 high school teams here in the fort and an SPHL team for one year! I think this was the cheap way out IMO. At least Graham has these guys running around hitting everyone in sight doesn't he? What a crock.
As for the Komets overall winning percentage, that is surely true, but, as they say, what have you done for us lately! 1 1/2 years in the ECHL and not a sign of winning anythng but the sissiest team in the league. When we don't even stick up for our goalie getting rammed and the coach goes along with it...well that pretty much tells the story of what type of team this is.
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 5:14pm
first thing is to start thinking with your brains and not your emotions. colin chaulk is one of the best komets to ever play but that doesnt make him a great coach. his resume would be as follows, all star player for many year s and captain for many years. thats it. graham was hired because he 1. coached high school 2. was a komet assistant coach for a few years first unpaid then paid and a tireless woker for the organization and 3. a head coach that won a championship in a lower level pro league. now as a person doing the hiring process you have to decide which is best for your team. when you add it up it looks like grahams resume is better plus you have to look at it another way. returning players already knew graham as a coach but only knew chaulk as someone they played with. i for one wanted chaulk to be the coach but hiring graham did make a little more sense. and letting him go elsewhere to get some experience is ok cause i predict he will be a komet coach again someday. pluss, its way hard to coach guys you just played with. now graham may be proving he cant do the job but he was the logical choice if we wanted someone with ties to the komets.
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 7:25pm
Ok is a summary to all those of you who had a disagreement on some of my comments:
Muel - injuries is NO excuse
Booner - glad you can laugh; my comment stands - Primeval's made me laugh (c below)
Primeval - great statement "how do you honor and retire Nick's number and show absolute indifference to Colin Chaulk" - did you read what you wrote....and does it still make sense to
Hit - it's SCHROCK NOT SHROCK and maybe you should clean up your language
Teresa - no not meant to be funny!
Alan - rather give Meisner a chance than watch Makarov give up a soft goal every night
JR1 - great excuse - Pepin screened him.....made me laugh!
Chuckitt - agree - but do not hink he will be back anytime soon in this organization
Nuff said....have at it bloggers!!!
Eamon Rice
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 7:52pm
I may not fully understand how a credit default swap works or what a derivative is to the working broker in the stock market. But from the looks of this picture on Blake's blog, I am willing to take a gamble that is what a "screen" is on a game winning goal.
Who/suz...genuinely curious because I have read this a few times from different commenters...why do you think Chaulk won't be back with the organization anytime soon?
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 8:19pm
Sorry for the double posting - captcha delayed the first one.
AJ - lets look at this from an outsiders perspective. which I appear to be in all these other folks opinions:
- retired Nick number before Colin - not a great sign
- did not offer him a position in the organization
- no stories on him or his arrival on Wednesday (as per some fellow bloggers opinions)
- no billboard highlights of him at Wednesday's game (as per some fellow bloggers opinions)
- nothing on the blogs or paper as to how he is doing at K-zoo
- ask yourself, how important are the Komets to Chaulk....did not show up at the end of the year party-really sad to see as a STH....using coaching a club team as an excuse is not a valid excuse....the fans deserve better
- did not attend any games as a spectator (that we knew of)....that is really sad
- why was his jersey not auctioned off at the end of year party - not even with a proxy to hold it up
There is definitely something else going on and these reasons support my statements
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 8:45pm
How can you argue with logic like that? SMH.......................
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 9:12pm
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 9:14pm
theres always something else going on! chaulk will be taken care of but not right now since he is still in our league. his number will be retired and things will be ok. one of the most popular komets of all time didnt have his uniform retired right away so people just need to be patient. (ssteve fletcher)
Hit the Post
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 9:49pm
Who Suz
Sports and jocks go together. You are right I used the wrong word it would be a cup for hockey. In your reply to Chuckitt the spelling of think is not hink. We all make mistakes and your observation is the biggest of the year.
Ivan DeJesus
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 11:37pm
I know 1 captain jersey goes to the echl or phpa to be auctioned for a fund of some type and the players are usually allowed to keep one of their jerseys.
A tribute to the storm lowered audiance would have been a waste, he deserves a big crowd for a tribute.
Ivan DeJesus
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 11:59pm
Fighting in hockey as we know it is OVER. DONE. Guy didn't run the goalie, probably doesn't even know what the term means. Its the ECHL, very much like the AHL. Drop it. Get over it. It is done for. This is the new hockey, the higher league lots of people wanted, you got it, enjoy it. Why risk your paycheck and possibility of moving up getting hurt sticking up for a teammate. What did he do for you to help you move up?
Blake Sebring
Fri, 01/10/2014 - 1:26am
Amen, Ivan. You nailed it. It's not like it used to be. More the pity.
Fri, 01/10/2014 - 9:35am
Absolutely right Ivan. Why should I pay $30 a game to watch a team that is totally disinterested in winning when I can stay home and listen to it for free? Or take that same $30 and watch every game in the fast
ECHL for a month?
They're not just running a school here. They're running a team. And if the players can't manage to scrape up enough courage to go out there and try to win instead of pad their own personal stats then they shouldn't be too upset to play in front of crickets........................
Fri, 01/10/2014 - 10:01am
I very rarely post comments on here but I had to respond to Ivan's post. Fighting has changed over the years in hockey but the excuse you mentioned is a tough one to support. Ever watch a game from Ontario, Stockton, or Orlando? Seems players from these teams have no problem risking standing up for their teammates. We can spin it anyway we want but this is the softest and most boring hockey team I have ever seen in my 40+ years of following the Komets. If this is what the Franke's think is entertaining hockey they can have it because they aren't getting a dime of my entertainment fund. I'm quite sad about that because Komet orange is what my family used to bleed.
Fri, 01/10/2014 - 10:13am
I agree with Steve. This is supposed to be is not. It's expensive boredom. If your teammates only think of themselves and have no interest in sticking up for one another (must be Gary's new system) then this is certainly not a team and therefore does not deserve our time or money!
I thought that these guys wanted to move up the ladder? I have news for you, the NHL does NOT play this way. I watched Andrew Shaw get crossed check in the back and into the NY goalie Wed night. When he got up he was smacked in the face! They stick up for each other. If these "hockey players" (term used VERY loosely) only think of themselves, they will be selling cars soon because they have no future in hockey and if they continue to play the way they are now, then they are going to play in front of fewer and fewer fans in the "petting zoo" formally known as the jungle!
Watch the NHL if you really want to see GOOD and EXCITING HOCKEY!!!!!!!
kyle hunt
Fri, 01/10/2014 - 11:36am
I remember when it was better to watch the minors rather than the National league...not any more!
Fri, 01/10/2014 - 11:52am
I was not using an injury to Chaulker as an excuse. He needs none! Him playing at 50% is better than all but about 4 players on this team and shows 100% more guts than ANYONE on this team!!!!!
As for your comment about him being a cancer in the locker must listen to the new coach too much.The problem was that he and Capt. Spock didn't see eye to eye and the Komets chose to side with the wrong guy. The Komet organization not recognizing him just shows how far this club has sunk IMO. I have watched this team since the 60's and they have not and would not have treated Len Thornson, Eddie Long or Lionel Repka this way. That is because we were run by different and much more respectful people back then.
I personally hope Chaulker gets the head coaching job in K-Zoo or somewhere esle in this league and kicks our butt every time we play them!!!!!
Fri, 01/10/2014 - 4:31pm
dumbest thing ive ever read. even steve fletcher left the team and one day came back to a heros welcome. no player is more important than the franchise, or i would have quit when cal purinton retired!!!!!!!!~
Again, hope Makarov is ok but maybe this is a chance to have him sit.....again, he needs goalie training....a soft goal a game is ridiculous....has cost us many games....sit him and play Meisner.....maybe try to get another goalie which I KNOW is unlikely.......sad to watch.....sad
``You know, 2-1 lead 10 seconds in and your goaltender gets knocked out and gets run, it takes you a little bit to kind of get refocused,'' Komets coach Gary Graham said.
Hmm, kind of sounds like a weak excuse to me. If nothing else the team should've been a little angry, motivated, and determined to not only stick up for a downed player but also to score. They came out soft. What happened to sending out the beloved Captain to take care of things like that?
I would've also liked to have seen some kind of recognization for Chaulk's return. Maybe instead of showing an old fight, how about some clips of him in action or something. Oh well. Don't get me wrong as I am a long-time Komet fan and supporter but I was just a little happy that Chulker came away with a win in his former home as I'm pretty used to seeing the Komets lose.
While only a K's fan for the last 8 years....seeing Chaulk play only a limited time...I thought he was a good player who overstayed his welcome by a year...and by prior blogs, in the past....he was part of a problem the K's were having in the locker room.....see no reason he would have been recognized....maybe down the line but not in the near future...
Who/SuZ, I usually do not comment on this blog, but, after reading your statment about Colin Chaulk, you left me no choice. First of all, Chaulker tried to hang on last year to help out this team. He had a serious injury that left him almost unable to shoot the puck and that was why he finally did retire. With that said, he is a 100% better hockey player than our new Captain Komet is or ever will be. He is also a 1000% better leader than Captain Komet OR our Current coach will ever be!!
Colin does deserve to be recognized NOW by the Komet organization for all that he has done for us! It is their loss for letting him get away and be hired by K-Zoo. as far as him being a problem in the locker room, are you serious? This guy gave his heart and soul to this team. Something that none of the current players have a clue about. All Chaulker ever did was compete and win. After reading our genius coachs comment about our goalie getting run last night, it is no wonder that any of these players have a clue what competing means. Let's see what Buffalo thinks about us allowing this to happen to their prospect and the entire team doing nothing about it. Maybe you will get your personal wish and Makarov will be recalled!
"seeing Chaulk play only a limited time...I thought he was a good player who overstayed his welcome by a year...and by prior blogs, in the past....he was part of a problem the K's were having in the locker room....."
No way... this comment has made me laugh more than any other comment on the 2 komet blogs.
seeing comments like this, along with comments on how our current captian is just fine and anyone who points out that he isnt an ECHL calibor player isnt a fan, etc, etc?.. i dont understand it. i understand being a homer, i am too. but really? not this...
For anyone to take anything away from Colin Chaulk as a leader, captain, and player for the Komets organization is absurd.
I'm shocked that nothing was written in the paper prior to this game. Long-time Komet leader returns to FW as an assistant coach on the Kalamazoo bench and there isn't a story written?
I'm not taking anything away from Nick Boucher, but how do you honor and retire Nick's number and show absolute indifference to Colin Chaulk?
Shrock couldn't hold Chalk's jock strap.
Who/SuZ, your comments about Colin Chaulk must have been meant to be funny, right?
As previously stated, you will find NO ONE in the last decade of Komets hockey that gave as much to this team and this town as Colin Chaulk. He has been one of the greatest players to ever put on the orange and black. He put his heart and soul into this team, game in and game out. He has served the community extremely well by training and teaching the youth of this town with his many hockey and skating clinics. I'm sure there are thousands of kids and their parents who would wholeheartedly agree with me. I challenge you to find many people out there that would agree with your comments about him.
That being said, you are totally entitled to your opinion, but I think you might have missed the mark on this one. I understand you're relatively new to Komet Hockey, but when you look back a few years from now, I hope you will realize you were totally wrong about Chaulker!
1) Nobody's ever wearing #91 for the Komets ever again, so calm down
2) The Komets aren't going to formally retire Chaulk's number as long as he is toiling away for another team in the same league, a position I find eminently reasonable.
3) The Komets didn't hire Chaulk as the head coach, I suspect, because they didn't think he was ready, had enough experience, etc. This was apparently the position of every other team in all of minor league hockey that was in the head coaching market, since he's not a head coach anywhere.
4) Hiring Chaulk as an assistant would have preemptively undermined whoever they hired as the head coach, whether Gary Graham or Scotty Bowman
5) (and off-topic) Under David Franke, the stupidest GM in the history of minor league hockey anywhere in the known universe and probably in universes yet to be discovered, the Komets are, in the aggregate, batting about .600 with a grand total of 3 sub-.500 seasons
Pretty sure Who is way off base here. Hit the post is totally correct. RonFWA is correct to a certain point. Teresa 215 seems to have a pretty good handle on the situation.
I don't think anyone is stating that last night should've been a "Colin Chaulk Night". It should've been a recognition of a great Komet who has come back home. As I posted on the other blog, "a before the face-off" 60 second montage of highlights of his career, followed by a "Fort Wayne thanks you" from Larry would've given the fans a chance to acknowledge him. It would've been the proper and decent thing to do. I am embarrassed for the franchise that they didn't.
Lots of questions still cling to this club. One of which is what kind of injury does Carter have? When will the Orlando "considerations" show up? What kind of Utah "considerations" are the Komets expecting.
There are so many "holes" in this line-up it smells of swiss cheese.
If the Komets think that they can contend and depend on Meisner, during Marakovs absence, they are making a big mistake. It's an injury they will ill afford. (I think they've been pretty lucky so far. I can't imagine what would happen if either Marino, Fleming, Auger, or Embach got hurt).
The third line plus one more (I'm excluding Nutkevitch) need to go.
Pepin screened the goalie on 2 goals and was them main reason the Komets lost last night.... Goalies have a hard time stopping shots when a 6'7" tall pylon is in the way...
I watch other games around the league and this soft, non checking style is not the norm...
I agree with Ron about no one wearing #91 again...or at least I hope they won't and I do not think that they should have a ceremony hanging his jersey in the rafters while he is coaching a division rival, but, with that being said, they could have had a 45-60 second spot on the score board last night showing some of his highlights with us. I do n ot think that is asking to much for someone who has meant so much to this franchise.
As far as us not naming him the coach, I can't see why they would not want someone who has been in our organization for 10 years and deeply understands what Komet hockey is all about. I think we all thught they were trying to groom him to take Sims place once he left. Wrong again. Instead we hired this longtime, veteran coach "Scotty Bowman Graham". Somene who has coached at least 2 high school teams here in the fort and an SPHL team for one year! I think this was the cheap way out IMO. At least Graham has these guys running around hitting everyone in sight doesn't he? What a crock.
As for the Komets overall winning percentage, that is surely true, but, as they say, what have you done for us lately! 1 1/2 years in the ECHL and not a sign of winning anythng but the sissiest team in the league. When we don't even stick up for our goalie getting rammed and the coach goes along with it...well that pretty much tells the story of what type of team this is.
first thing is to start thinking with your brains and not your emotions. colin chaulk is one of the best komets to ever play but that doesnt make him a great coach. his resume would be as follows, all star player for many year s and captain for many years. thats it. graham was hired because he 1. coached high school 2. was a komet assistant coach for a few years first unpaid then paid and a tireless woker for the organization and 3. a head coach that won a championship in a lower level pro league. now as a person doing the hiring process you have to decide which is best for your team. when you add it up it looks like grahams resume is better plus you have to look at it another way. returning players already knew graham as a coach but only knew chaulk as someone they played with. i for one wanted chaulk to be the coach but hiring graham did make a little more sense. and letting him go elsewhere to get some experience is ok cause i predict he will be a komet coach again someday. pluss, its way hard to coach guys you just played with. now graham may be proving he cant do the job but he was the logical choice if we wanted someone with ties to the komets.
Ok is a summary to all those of you who had a disagreement on some of my comments:
Muel - injuries is NO excuse
Booner - glad you can laugh; my comment stands - Primeval's made me laugh (c below)
Primeval - great statement "how do you honor and retire Nick's number and show absolute indifference to Colin Chaulk" - did you read what you wrote....and does it still make sense to
Hit - it's SCHROCK NOT SHROCK and maybe you should clean up your language
Teresa - no not meant to be funny!
Alan - rather give Meisner a chance than watch Makarov give up a soft goal every night
JR1 - great excuse - Pepin screened him.....made me laugh!
Chuckitt - agree - but do not hink he will be back anytime soon in this organization
Nuff said....have at it bloggers!!!
I may not fully understand how a credit default swap works or what a derivative is to the working broker in the stock market. But from the looks of this picture on Blake's blog, I am willing to take a gamble that is what a "screen" is on a game winning goal.
Who/suz...genuinely curious because I have read this a few times from different commenters...why do you think Chaulk won't be back with the organization anytime soon?
Sorry for the double posting - captcha delayed the first one.
AJ - lets look at this from an outsiders perspective. which I appear to be in all these other folks opinions:
- retired Nick number before Colin - not a great sign
- did not offer him a position in the organization
- no stories on him or his arrival on Wednesday (as per some fellow bloggers opinions)
- no billboard highlights of him at Wednesday's game (as per some fellow bloggers opinions)
- nothing on the blogs or paper as to how he is doing at K-zoo
- ask yourself, how important are the Komets to Chaulk....did not show up at the end of the year party-really sad to see as a STH....using coaching a club team as an excuse is not a valid excuse....the fans deserve better
- did not attend any games as a spectator (that we knew of)....that is really sad
- why was his jersey not auctioned off at the end of year party - not even with a proxy to hold it up
There is definitely something else going on and these reasons support my statements
How can you argue with logic like that? SMH.......................
theres always something else going on! chaulk will be taken care of but not right now since he is still in our league. his number will be retired and things will be ok. one of the most popular komets of all time didnt have his uniform retired right away so people just need to be patient. (ssteve fletcher)
Who Suz
Sports and jocks go together. You are right I used the wrong word it would be a cup for hockey. In your reply to Chuckitt the spelling of think is not hink. We all make mistakes and your observation is the biggest of the year.
I know 1 captain jersey goes to the echl or phpa to be auctioned for a fund of some type and the players are usually allowed to keep one of their jerseys.
A tribute to the storm lowered audiance would have been a waste, he deserves a big crowd for a tribute.
Fighting in hockey as we know it is OVER. DONE. Guy didn't run the goalie, probably doesn't even know what the term means. Its the ECHL, very much like the AHL. Drop it. Get over it. It is done for. This is the new hockey, the higher league lots of people wanted, you got it, enjoy it. Why risk your paycheck and possibility of moving up getting hurt sticking up for a teammate. What did he do for you to help you move up?
Amen, Ivan. You nailed it. It's not like it used to be. More the pity.
Absolutely right Ivan. Why should I pay $30 a game to watch a team that is totally disinterested in winning when I can stay home and listen to it for free? Or take that same $30 and watch every game in the fast
ECHL for a month?
They're not just running a school here. They're running a team. And if the players can't manage to scrape up enough courage to go out there and try to win instead of pad their own personal stats then they shouldn't be too upset to play in front of crickets........................
I very rarely post comments on here but I had to respond to Ivan's post. Fighting has changed over the years in hockey but the excuse you mentioned is a tough one to support. Ever watch a game from Ontario, Stockton, or Orlando? Seems players from these teams have no problem risking standing up for their teammates. We can spin it anyway we want but this is the softest and most boring hockey team I have ever seen in my 40+ years of following the Komets. If this is what the Franke's think is entertaining hockey they can have it because they aren't getting a dime of my entertainment fund. I'm quite sad about that because Komet orange is what my family used to bleed.
I agree with Steve. This is supposed to be is not. It's expensive boredom. If your teammates only think of themselves and have no interest in sticking up for one another (must be Gary's new system) then this is certainly not a team and therefore does not deserve our time or money!
I thought that these guys wanted to move up the ladder? I have news for you, the NHL does NOT play this way. I watched Andrew Shaw get crossed check in the back and into the NY goalie Wed night. When he got up he was smacked in the face! They stick up for each other. If these "hockey players" (term used VERY loosely) only think of themselves, they will be selling cars soon because they have no future in hockey and if they continue to play the way they are now, then they are going to play in front of fewer and fewer fans in the "petting zoo" formally known as the jungle!
Watch the NHL if you really want to see GOOD and EXCITING HOCKEY!!!!!!!
I remember when it was better to watch the minors rather than the National league...not any more!
I was not using an injury to Chaulker as an excuse. He needs none! Him playing at 50% is better than all but about 4 players on this team and shows 100% more guts than ANYONE on this team!!!!!
As for your comment about him being a cancer in the locker must listen to the new coach too much.The problem was that he and Capt. Spock didn't see eye to eye and the Komets chose to side with the wrong guy. The Komet organization not recognizing him just shows how far this club has sunk IMO. I have watched this team since the 60's and they have not and would not have treated Len Thornson, Eddie Long or Lionel Repka this way. That is because we were run by different and much more respectful people back then.
I personally hope Chaulker gets the head coaching job in K-Zoo or somewhere esle in this league and kicks our butt every time we play them!!!!!
dumbest thing ive ever read. even steve fletcher left the team and one day came back to a heros welcome. no player is more important than the franchise, or i would have quit when cal purinton retired!!!!!!!!~