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Tailing the Komets

The Legends' legacy

With the recent deaths of legends Colin Lister, Gerry Randall, Ken Ullyot and Flossie Zimmerman last week, there's been some sad times  among the Komets' alumni and fans. And there are a lot more to come, probably soon.

Not to get too maudlin, but there's also an incredible blessing that should be remembered during times like this. It's amazing how lucky we've been in this community to have so many of these former players and management members live so long in our community and the experiences  and examples they have set. They have always been and continue to be wonderful role models.

Since their inception in1952, the Komets have been an amazing part of our lives, on the ice and off. Not a week goes by that I don't hear of something a former player is doing to help, teach or support a charity or each other. They are very generous with their influence and time, and just think of the thousands of young people they've had an impact on.

But the other side of this longevity is that we're going to be having a lot of sad times coming up. We need to remember the blessings these people have given us and please consider taking time now to thank the former Komets we see around the community either at games, youth practices or out and about. That would mean much more than a memorial patch on a uniform, sticker on a helmet or a moment of silence.


Mon, 01/27/2014 - 4:46pm

Amen to that, Blake.  Amen to that.

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 7:05am

Nice touch, Blake. Thank you.
