It's not gonna get any easier tomorrow. Wheeling just got 4 players from Wilkes Barre/Scranton.
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 5:53am
No Gary quotes about the positives of 0 points???
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:50am
I know that "second guesses" are cheap. I know it's real easy to be an "armchair quarterback". Admitting all of that I am stunned by the decision making so far this weekend. First we saw a very, very questionable shootout lineup Friday. Then, instead of playing the very successful "road" goaltender, it is Makarov starting.
Look, you have to start both goaltenders away and at home, sure. And Makarov really kept them in the game during the first period. (note to coach: how can your team come out so flat?) Still it escapes me on how this decision was made, especially in the wake of a "shootout" loss AT HOME on Friday. These games are SO important (especially in the wake of so many "blown" points by losing all of those 3 goal lead games)!!
Now for the real crux of the matter. Specifically to David and Michael Franke (who seem to be enamored by the present "now we have players who want to be here" Komets).
We are presently seeing a forecast of what you may expect during the playoffs. With the Olympic break, teams are getting fortified with some guys from the AHL. This is going to happen AGAIN as some AHL teams do not make their playoffs. You must learn from this!! Don't count on the return of Fleming ( I, personally think he has a "stress fracture" either in the leg, ankle or foot. If he does, not only won't he be back, but his career will be in jeopardy). Don't count on the return of Dale either. Even if both come back with a vengeance, this team still has TOO many weak spots at forward (two are centers) and cannot compete with the "fortified" ECHL playoff teams.
The front office has had a tough year. They've done their best to make changes and are still reeling from the Orlando debacle. I feel that lately the have taken a "breather" and have not done what they like to call "due diligence" . The team needs help.
Again, two goals scored. Can't anybody see the need for more offense? One by a defenseman. A very, very, very weak third line, not necessarily in preventing goals, but certainly in scoring them need to be improved (and at once)! Get out of your owners box and onto your phone.
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 11:45am
My comment from last night still stands...why did a road goalie with 7-0 record not play???... Gary????
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 3:18pm
This is just my opinion, but I feel we need the veteran players and captains to start earning their stripes and leading this team on the ice. We have a good team that can score and win. We've all seen them do it. We've also seen them come out flat as a pancake, and blow leads in games. The captains and veterans need to be able to pick them up when they are playing flat, demanding that people get their heads in the game, and keep them grounded when they have a lead, keeping their nose to the grindstone so that they keep it.
This is a team of young guys that are still learning how to stay focused and win against adversity. Whether you like coach Graham or not, the fact is, he is only one person and he spends the whole game on the bench. The guys out there on the ice have to do the heavy lifting and get the job done. You can scheme and strategize all you want, but at some point someone has to execute that plan. The captains and veterans need to make sure that everyone else gets with the program and makes it happen.
Good Luck against Wheeling tonight and GO KOMETS!!!!!!
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 5:30pm
Alan, give it a rest. You are annoying.
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 9:32pm
Thanks for the comment, Anonymous.
I'll start paying attention to you when you give me facts and logic to back up your comments or when you start running this blog.
I'm easily available for more discussion if you like. Section 208, row 15, seat 12. Anytime you like. PLEASE.
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 9:58am
Alan - Nobody cares where you sit.
Get over yourself. You are not that important.
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 10:50am
I to, was baffled why Meisner wasn't in net Saturday night, but then learning he may have an injury, I now understand. As for the game, it was a disappointment that they lost. Does this team need more scoring, yes, I would think with Dale and Fleming coming back soon(I hope), that the 3rd line will start producing more. I really like Sydlowski, I think he could potentially be that guy on the 3rd line that scores some goals. He's really improved this season, IMO of course.
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 11:49am
Important enough for continued Anonymous comments......
What a disasterous weekend so far
It's not gonna get any easier tomorrow. Wheeling just got 4 players from Wilkes Barre/Scranton.
No Gary quotes about the positives of 0 points???
I know that "second guesses" are cheap. I know it's real easy to be an "armchair quarterback". Admitting all of that I am stunned by the decision making so far this weekend. First we saw a very, very questionable shootout lineup Friday. Then, instead of playing the very successful "road" goaltender, it is Makarov starting.
Look, you have to start both goaltenders away and at home, sure. And Makarov really kept them in the game during the first period. (note to coach: how can your team come out so flat?) Still it escapes me on how this decision was made, especially in the wake of a "shootout" loss AT HOME on Friday. These games are SO important (especially in the wake of so many "blown" points by losing all of those 3 goal lead games)!!
Now for the real crux of the matter. Specifically to David and Michael Franke (who seem to be enamored by the present "now we have players who want to be here" Komets).
We are presently seeing a forecast of what you may expect during the playoffs. With the Olympic break, teams are getting fortified with some guys from the AHL. This is going to happen AGAIN as some AHL teams do not make their playoffs. You must learn from this!! Don't count on the return of Fleming ( I, personally think he has a "stress fracture" either in the leg, ankle or foot. If he does, not only won't he be back, but his career will be in jeopardy). Don't count on the return of Dale either. Even if both come back with a vengeance, this team still has TOO many weak spots at forward (two are centers) and cannot compete with the "fortified" ECHL playoff teams.
The front office has had a tough year. They've done their best to make changes and are still reeling from the Orlando debacle. I feel that lately the have taken a "breather" and have not done what they like to call "due diligence" . The team needs help.
Again, two goals scored. Can't anybody see the need for more offense? One by a defenseman. A very, very, very weak third line, not necessarily in preventing goals, but certainly in scoring them need to be improved (and at once)! Get out of your owners box and onto your phone.
My comment from last night still stands...why did a road goalie with 7-0 record not play???... Gary????
This is just my opinion, but I feel we need the veteran players and captains to start earning their stripes and leading this team on the ice. We have a good team that can score and win. We've all seen them do it. We've also seen them come out flat as a pancake, and blow leads in games. The captains and veterans need to be able to pick them up when they are playing flat, demanding that people get their heads in the game, and keep them grounded when they have a lead, keeping their nose to the grindstone so that they keep it.
This is a team of young guys that are still learning how to stay focused and win against adversity. Whether you like coach Graham or not, the fact is, he is only one person and he spends the whole game on the bench. The guys out there on the ice have to do the heavy lifting and get the job done. You can scheme and strategize all you want, but at some point someone has to execute that plan. The captains and veterans need to make sure that everyone else gets with the program and makes it happen.
Good Luck against Wheeling tonight and GO KOMETS!!!!!!
Alan, give it a rest. You are annoying.
Thanks for the comment, Anonymous.
I'll start paying attention to you when you give me facts and logic to back up your comments or when you start running this blog.
I'm easily available for more discussion if you like. Section 208, row 15, seat 12. Anytime you like. PLEASE.
Alan - Nobody cares where you sit.
Get over yourself. You are not that important.
I to, was baffled why Meisner wasn't in net Saturday night, but then learning he may have an injury, I now understand. As for the game, it was a disappointment that they lost. Does this team need more scoring, yes, I would think with Dale and Fleming coming back soon(I hope), that the 3rd line will start producing more. I really like Sydlowski, I think he could potentially be that guy on the 3rd line that scores some goals. He's really improved this season, IMO of course.
Important enough for continued Anonymous comments......