What do you do that is unique to the playoffs? Any particular superstition? Anything you'd like to see the Komets try for the crowd, maybe besides wearing Orange? If I get enough good ideas, I may use them in a story.
What do you do that is unique to the playoffs? Any particular superstition? Anything you'd like to see the Komets try for the crowd, maybe besides wearing Orange? If I get enough good ideas, I may use them in a story.
EVERY game, mostly playoffs, we wear our Komets shirts (with players name and number), orange nail polish and put some orange in our hair or some orange in our makeup. If we are not at the game, we put in the CD of music they warm up to, if we are at the game, we listen to it on the way to the Coliseum. We get to the Coliseum an hour before the game so we can watch warmups. We also have to wear at least 2 player buttons. My daughter also has to sing the "Let's Go Komets" song.
I have a superstition of not talking up the Komet's on gameday. I try to be unbiased in my thinking. Whenever someone asks me how I think the Komet's will do I have to try and keep myself from saying they are going to win or do great. I usually will say how they have a very tough challenge ahead of them. I don't know why I do this but maybe it is because I don't want to see our Komets overlook a team and so I feel I can't either. Might be dumb but as they say in the budweiser commercials... "It's only weird if it doesn't work."
I can not wear anything promoting the Komets because I must remain impartial. I have a Pin I wear only during the play-offs where it can not be seen. I have worn that same pin since the 92/93 season.
I call it my good luck charm.
I jinx the opposing goalie by talking about his shutout and outstanding play if the Komets haven't scored by mid 2nd period.
That is awesome! LOL.
I have way too many to post and not seem crazy...here's some.
A yearly debate (still on going) on what the sign should say.
Drinking out of my Komets coffee cup the morning of games.
Wearing the same jersey/shoe combo after each win.
Anon, I also have tried to jinx the other team but it always backfires!
I wear my lucky Boston Bruins earrings through out the playoff season.
They go with any outfit.
The colonel eats his own chicken
One gal that sits in our section has a set of lucky underwear. Once when she couldn't attend a game, her husband wore the lucky undies to the game.
I love my team as much as the next guy...well maybe not as much as him!
Another goalie jinxer checking in! I wait until one (or in the case of Reading last night, both) of the goalies look in my direction, then I give them the thumbs-down signal. As long as it works, I say why not!
I'm probably going to run this story next week if anyone has some good ones they'd like to add.
I started a new superstition over the last 3 home games. It all started the first night when I for the first time took one of those dumb noise makers from a jeep girl. With every goal I beat the tar out of that thing until it was in pieces. When we won I turned to my girlfriend and told her to put all the pieces in her purse. She looked at me like I was crazy but I finally convinced her to do so (bought dinner). Game 2 at home and same thing... I grabbed another noise maker, beat it to shreds, and carefully preserved every piece for her purse after the win. She again took more convincing (dinner and dessert). Game 3 at home and I repeated the process. This time however after the amazing OT win she just grabbed the noise maker pieces and shoved them in her purse. I looked at her with a smile and she just laughed and said, "Obviously they are working!" So her collection shall continue and the superstition lives on.