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Here's why it was interference

Near the end of the first period, Komets defenseman Danko Mironovic was called for interference to give Bloomington a second five-on-three advantage. The PrairieThunder scored to make it 2-1 at the intermission. After watching the replay, here's why referee Scott Hoberg got the call correct. Mironovic was skating stride for stride with the Bloomington player who had already released the puck. Then Mironovic dove at the legs of the Bloomington player to take him out. If he had dove toward the puck he would have been fine. The press box was split on the call for several minutes until original Komet was asked and he said it was definitely interference. That shut everyone up.

Another factor, which you have heard me preach about before, is that Hoberg calls everything and anyone should have known he was going to make that call. He'll make it every time, and it's the players' responsibility to take the official's individual style into account. I'm sure many of you will disagree with me on this, but if you think about it, YOU know how Hoberg calls the game and I'll bet you also would have thought he'd make that call.

Now, is it right that he made the call in the overall aspect of the game? After all, the Komets were just coming off being down two men. That's another discussion entirely. Some refs make that call and some don't. Hoberg will make it every time.

Posted in: Komets


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