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Syro is retiring

Got this note yesterday and talked with him today.

``I am officially retiring and have told the Komets and all the other teams that made me a contract offer. Hockey has been a part of my life since i was 3 years old so this was a tough decision to make, but one that every player must go through at some point. Everything fell into place this off season and I was offered a job I just could not refuse.  I wanted you to relay a message to the Komet fans: I want to thank the Komet fans who supported me and the team during my 2 years there. It was an honor to wear the Komet logo on my chest and a true privilege to play in front of 8,000 fans a night. The support we receive throughout the community and the thousands of fans who spend their hard earned money to watch us play, makes Fort Wayne such a special place to play hockey. I would also like to thank the Franke Family for treating me so well and running a first class organization.''

Posted in: Komets


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