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One of the best

That was one of the most-intense Komets playoff games I have covered in 20 years. I was thinking about this on the drive home, and most of the favorite games I have covered over the years have come on the road. Indianapolis Game 7 in 1991, Peoria Game 5 in 1991, Atlanta Game 2 in 1993, Rockford Game 6 in 2005 on and on. The road games are the ones that mean the most because they require the best out of the Komets. They have to overcome the crowd, the opponent, injuries, and, yes, arguably the officiating. They have to persevere and endure and fight through everything. The emotion from the players is also sharper because usually it's just them against the world and they sacrifice that much more.

I have three questions for you:

1. If the Komets manage to win the Turner Cup this year, how are the rest of the fans in the league going to say they bought this one

Where does that one rank for all of you?

And here's another one, which skater (Boucher does not count) has been the Komets' best player in this series so far?

Posted in: Komets


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