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Fan in the Stands update

Chuck Itt will be Wendy Bartle's guest for this week's edition of "Fans in the Stands" during the first intermission of the Komets Game of the Week broadcast. Chuck is a devoted fan of the Komets who, last fall, refused to let cancer break his yearly tradition of attending every Komets home opener for the past 38 years. Among other things, Chuck will discuss his memories of the Komets "magical season" of 1972-1973 and his friendships with Komets players from that era. On January 29th, Chuck was privileged to receive the Colin Lister Award from the Northeast Indiana Baseball Association for his involvement with youth baseball in the area. The award honors Mr. Colin Lister, former owner of the Komets, who shared Chuck's interest in the summer pastime. Chuck is also an avid collector of John Wayne memorabilia, and owns a copy of the actor's little-known 1937 hockey movie "Idol of the Crowds". Tune in to Comcast channel 55 or Verizon Fios channel 25 on Wednesday, February 10 at 8 PM or Thursday, February 11 at 4 AM or 12 Noon to learn more about this dedicated sports fan, youth role-model, and loyal Komets supporter.
Posted in: Komets


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