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What to expect

I expect this to be the toughest game of the series so far. Each game has picked up the intensity on both sides, and the Komets won that battle last night, barely, but they won it. I figure the Mavericks will come super hard the first 10 minutes and see if they can build a 2-0 lead.

It will be interesting to see if the Komets can get off to a fast start for once and take the early lead. Missouri has had that advantage throughout the playoffs so far.

The ice is listed as regulation here, but it seems smaller for some reason, and the Mavericks' speed is not as much an advantage here. The Komets' defense had an easier time pushing them outside and taking away the middle. Daniel Maggio is getting better each night.

It will be interesting to see how Boone Bruggman calls the game tonight. Peter Tarnaris went from letting them play at times to calling it close, and then he put his whistle away in the third. Thought he did a good job overall.





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