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Flossie update

Jackie wrote: "Mom Update: Just wanted to let you know that mom appreciates all of your thoughts, comments, prayers, etc. I have been reading your messages to her. She is in great spirits and has set her goals! She is sure to tell everyone that her hearing aids are at home on the end table, and I haven't brought them to her. She is still battling not being able to see people and remembering who people are, but she is doing well.

She started some therapy today. She has walked around her room twice! The therapist was amazed. Of course, we all know how amazing she is, but now the staff knows too. She is beginning to get a little bit of an appitite. She will be release from the hospital either tomorrow or Friday. She was not at all happy when she found out she had to go to a nursing facility for rehab. However, I think we made her day when she was told we were able to get her into Golden Years! It is very hard to get in there. She keeps saying she will go outside to get some air and sneak through her back gate and go see her kitties!

She wanted me to tell everyone: "Hi, everybody. I am thinking about you."

We want to thank Blake Sebring for posting prayer requests on his blog "Tailing the Komets". We appreciate you getting the word out for us."


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