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Not so fast

``We've talked to Toronto,'' Komets General Manager David Franke said. ``We told them at this point and time we can't really take any more forwards on. We've enquired about possible defensemen but they are not availabe at this time from them. There's nothing in the works between us right now.'

``We'll be receiving some more forwards from Anaheim within the next 24-48 hours. We're not going to be able to take on any more pro-contracted players. We believe that the team we have with the additon of the players from Anaheim with Kenny Reiter and Charlie Effinger that we have the right guys on the team.


``This is a very unique situation in all of hockey right now,  even more difficult than when they lost the whole seaosn because of what is involved. There are so many players out there... We're going to get players from Anaheim... but nobody knows how long this thing will last. If it lasts all season it will be the greatest season ever in the history of the ECHL.


``There are so many players out there who are availabe, if you waited utnil right now to put yor team together you probably could, but if the lockout ends, your whole team could be gone. I can't take the chance that they settle in 35-40 days and half my team is gone.''






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