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We're not done yet

Thought you might find this interesting. I was dead tired today, but I stopped by Loyola-Chicago on the way home to catch IPFW's match against Loyola. What a contrast with the Komets!

Those kids played their butts off. They went hard on every play no matter where the ball was or what the situation. It was a heckova lot of fun to watch and I'm fired up to write all day tomorrow about them. Those kids made their breaks happen with sheer hard work and will, beating a top 10 team in their own gym by just flat out taking it to them. It was extremely impressive because they didn't wait for any breaks or bounces, they made their own.

That was a lot of fun and a breath of fresh air. They are going to the FInal Four this week, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them play again.

So, no, I won't be at the team party and jersey auction. I'll be somewhere driving through Ohio. Anyway, a question, whose jersey do you think will go for the most on Tuesday, or who's jersey do you plan on bidding for?

Posted in: Komets


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