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Friday's game

I'll bet everyone at the game is screaming mad at referee Derek Berkibile. I'll bet they can't wait to rip him on the boards or whatever. Maybe he didn't have a great game, but here's something to consider.

That's 12 games in a row the Komets' opponents have have more power plays than Fort Wayne has, totaling 32 extra chances over those games. That includes an average of 10 power plays over the last four games, when the Komets have mostly been playing with five defensemen and in close games.

That's not all the referees' fault, folks. Twelve games is more than a blip. The worst part? It's mostly the Komets veterans who should know better who are getting nailed for the penalties.

Give you an example, and I'm not trying to pick on him specifically. When Galbraith was called for charging with 2:22 left, he left his feet to make the hit so it's an automatic, easy call. I'm sure Shutterbug will have a picture of it up on her website soon. Lance was being aggressive and trying to make a play, but he made a mistake.

Tonight's game was definitely a different brand of officiating. I carp all the time that the players ought to know what kind of game an official calls. Scouting officials and their tendencies is part of being a professional player.

But there was no consistency at all tonight at either end of the ice. If Berkebile used his turn signal on his way home to say he was going right,  I'd sure stay  out of the left lane.

Posted in: Komets


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