Alert reader Rick Longsworth sent me this which most old-time fans will find interesting. (You don't know how much it hurts me to call the early-80s "old-time.'') Paul Tantardini has passed away. For those who don't know him, imagine Jim Duhart or Kerry Toporowski times about 30, and that's how much Komets fans loved to hate Tantardini when he played with Toledo. He was perhaps the most-hated player on the Komets' biggest rival.
Here's the link:
Here are the trivia questions as submitted by blog and Komets fan Neal P. Colvin:
Jan 6, 1962 was an unusual day for the Komets. Why?
Besides playing for the Komets, what do Reg Primeau, Len Thornson, Jim Hrycuik and Bob Wilkie have in common? No, it's not the obvious answer but that provides a big clue.
Speaking of Jim Hrycuik, he is a footnote in NHL history. Why?
No prize this time, but if anyone else would like to present some questions I'll post them as well. Not to brag, (at least not too much, HA!), but I was able to answer two of these questions right away and then the other one took some time but I got that one too.