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This is from Mark


Can you post this for everyone to see..

I would just like to thank everyone who participate in helping sponser me in the Walk I recently participated in. The outpouring of support from everyone helped me raise a total of, this including the auction, $725 dollars. The money was split up going to two diffrent places. Half of it was headed to help fund the research for Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy. The other half was ut towards the camp. This i feel was an awesome success, you guys did more than what I thought you would. You guys didn't even know me from a hill of beans, but you were still willing to donate money. THank you so much. I would also like to thank Blake, although, I have several times already, you have no idea how much my family and I appreciated it. To Rick Bireley of the Komets for donating the items for the auction, Rick, I know you read this blog, and I know I have already told you this, but thank you once again. You are a great friend, and your friendship means alot to me. To the rest of the bloggers, thank you from the bottom of my heart. And last but certianly not least, Tony for running the auction. Thank you very much.

Mark, Jodi, Jonathan, and Blake

Posted in: Komets


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