I'll have more up later, but the highlights are Justin Hodgman for $5,500, Chaulk for $3,600 and they set a new record with $35,350 overall.
Evgeny Saidachev $750, Olivier Legault $1,000, Ken Dufresne $550, Mathieu Curadeau $1,050, P.C. Drouin $2,000, Terry Marchant $600, Kevin Reiter $1,600, Brent Henley $900, Luciano Aquino $1,350, Brandon Warner $750, Jake Pence $600, Kevin Bertram $900, Mitch Woods $1,750, Sergei Durdin $1,050, Nick Boucher $1,000, Konstantin Shafranov $1,250, Justin Hodgman $5,500, David Hukalo $1,200, Matt Reynolds $1,000, Colin Chaulk $3,600, Guy Dupuis $3,000.
Dinner with the Jeep Girls $300
Trading card poster for JDRF $800
Tina Mohr's scrapbook $2,000
Also found out tonight that Colin Chaulk has another year left on a contract, and the Komets are also close to re-signing P.C. Drouin. The Frankes are also going to have every winner's name from 1945 on engraved on the new Turner Cup.