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Last night's game

Really makes you appreciate what these guys have to go through to maintain a certain level of conditioning to be able to play the game as professionals. Especially the veterans who have families, jobs, etc. There's still quite a difference between being in shape, skating shape and then game shape, but it's still impressive. You could also see how the kids make a difference in the energy level. Last night's game will also go a long, long way to pulling a team together for the rest of the season. Dayton is also going to be pretty good.

Chaulk's goal was big last night to turning the moment, but so was MacMillan's fight. I thought for sure he was going to get an instigation penalty. The ice in Dayton was as bad as I've seen in a long, long time. Players for both teams were falling down and the puck never sat down. It make's P.C.'s pass even more impressive. It would have been interesting to see a shootout just to see if the players could have done anything with the puck.

I'll disagree with Matt on Bouch early last night. First goal was a 2-on-1 that the Gems played perfectly for a wrist shot from about 10 feet out, and the second was a 5-on-3 for a rebound after he had already made two saves. I didn't think there was much he could have done on either. Sometimes you have to give the opponents credit for making good plays.

Wonder how well they are going to be able to do tonight??

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