Have you guys noticed of late about five of you seem to be doing 90 percent of the posting?
Hate to see what will happen when the Komets have a really bad season again. All some of you have done for the last three or four weeks is b---- about stuff. No matter what is said, there's something drastically wrong with it, and you guys are dominating the discussion. If a Komet or a Franke or a referee rescued someone from a burning building, you'd be complaining they didn't stop the fire from starting in the first place.
Go outside, get a life, go to a movie, enjoy something. The team has won 12 of its last 15! Man, you guys are bringing everyone down, and are killing the blog. Get some perspective! Go do something fun, because you are sure taking a lot of the fun out of this. That has become who can complain the most, the loudest, the longest. What's the point? If you were going to convince anyone, it sure would have happened a long time ago by now.
This is not talk radio -- thank goodness. You're obviously not enjoying this, so why do you keep at it? I don't understand.
OK, I'm done venting. I was in a really good mood today before I started reading the blog. Aw, crap, some of you must be rubbing off on me.
FW, I love good discussions that come from having disagreements with others, I really do. I just dont like being bashed or called negative or called an idiot for having a differing opinion than someone else... Thats not discussion, thats being intolerant...
Mr. Snuff, you seem to continually go back to being negative about our current government. So, by your posted mode of thinking, since you don't like it, you can get out. Since you are so anti-government, why don't you take a trip to inner Africa where there is no government and see how long you survive. The laissez faire economic structures over there seem to be doing wonders, shown by the powerhouse African countries that are currently dominating the world today, not to mention the great humanitarian efforts over there serving as an example for all of us who are unfortunate enough to be stuck in a country as bad as the United States.
OK, so that had nothing to do about hockey, I was just trying to show the kettle he is black also.
As for some of us taking a month off, that may happen. Then you can all talk about everything other than hockey and can skip around in fairytale land and simply settle for everything you are told to like. However, I don't think a single person on here is going to quit writing until they are good and ready to do so. I could be wrong, it's happened before.
City BBQ is an excellent place to eat. It is about 15-20 minutes away from Dayton.
Alan - great post, especially about taking some time to appreciate watching players we might never see again. I remember the 1990-91 season well, and I covered that year through he 1993 Turner Cup Championship seasons for the newspaper in Columbia City. Recently I went through my old negatives looking for photos of certain players for a photo book project I have considered doing.
I realized that I had very few photos of Kevin Kaminsky - probably because he spent so much time in the box. My point is he only played here one season, but his name is huge among older Komets fans. While I did take the time to watch him and his other linemates play, or should I say fight, when I attended games as a fan, I didn't photograph those guys nearly as much as I should've.
Last thing - thank you for those paragraph breaks. It made reading your excellent post that much better (BTW, I am not being sarcastic).
FW...thanks for the laugh ...was even better than a cold Pepsi.
Does Pepsi really become that much more enjoyable as you age? I'm being 80% serious here...
Schebig wants hammered so i am going to nail him instead.
Andrea, Alan, and Hit, how have you all been? You've been writing great things, please do not stop. Andrea, you need to write more! Alan, I still love your books, with or without the spaces between paragraphs. With typos, spelling, and grammatical errors running rampant amongst the English ignorant, they are about the last thing that tends to throw me off while reading. Hit, I literally laughed out loud at what you wrote above. I FORMERLY thought I was sarcastic, but you now retain the crown.
I don't follow this blog as much as I did in the past, the redhead flirt fest threw me off a month or two ago (and no, the redheads weren't the ones doing it), but if I'm counting correctly, this would be Blake meltdown/tantrum #3 on the season. Granted, I may have missed one or two, but that is the count I'm up to so far.
Concerning the comment about the wardrobe on the Channel 15 interview show: Agreed. Blake, seriously, longer pants, invest in some Docs, you'll be good to go. All the ladies will be after you.
All joking aside, I think that what needed to be said has been said, from both sides of the spectrum. Is there complaining? Absolutely. It's coming from the positive people and the real people (notice I also refuse to call their observations negative, as that in itself is an insult and a title, or name, and that is not allowed on this blog). I'm not going to say either side does not have a right to speak his or her piece because that is the point of the entire blog. I think making the point that certain people should talk less so others can talk more is beyond hypocritical. "You be quiet so I can talk." Really, take a step back and think about it. I also understand Blake never made that statement, but others have implied it.
If people want to type on here, type. I find it hard to believe that people care enough about what total strangers say to them on a blog to stop writing about the team we all support. If that is the case, then their problems are much larger than talking on a blog or not. Seriously, afraid to say something because someone else may disagree and address your ideas? Come on, this isn't middle school. No one is going to jump through your computer and pound you. This is an ongoing discussion. Speak your mind. When the group of Muskegon fans were cheering at the game, did you curl up in a ball because they believed differently than you? I don't know about all of you, but when we scored I stood up and was as loud as possible to make sure they heard our replies.
Maybe some of you are those scared little insecure kids from middle school who hid behind others or just kept your opinions to yourselves. I truly hope you are not because that's a pretty boring way to "live" life. Maybe you need someone to come on here and say "Now children, be quiet so the others can play." Seriously though, stand up for your opnions and thoughts. If someone upsets you, let them have it, just do so in a way that does not include basically telling them to shut up. No one needs to shut up, others just need to speak up. Then we have good discussion, along with the blog hits that Blake is supposedly not getting (which anyone who watches this thing consistently, or not so much, can easily see isn't happening).
Alright, Alan, take that. A nice book for you to read, along with included spaces between paragraphs. Hopefully I left a typo or two in there also. I have to scamper off now, I'm picking up my new life at 3:30, then have a delightful 6 mile run to get in on this beautiful cold, rainy, windy day. I'll be cheering loud and proud alongside all of you a week from Thursday. GO KOMETS!!!
JM, I believe Pepsi causes aging.... but it reduces the need for Viagra lol
Hello Chad. Thank you for your kind words. The Komets, being around for over 50 seasons sure have a lot of alumni. Komet fans are lucky to have so many memories of seasons, games, fights, and players. My favorite season was the 72-73 Turner Cup season. I can still rattle off the names of the players on that team. I'm glad that I had the foresight to know I was seeing something "special".
RunningKomet, it is always good to hear from you. I wish you would contribute more often. I have no complaints about the length of your last post. I read each word and enjoyed it. Keep them coming, OK?
I have a hockey question for all of you. Some time ago someone posted about how much quicker today's players are from a few years ago. While I would never argue about whether or not they are stronger, faster, and the like...I wonder what effect removing the red line has had as far as eliminating most offside (two line) passes and the skill it used to take advancing the puck from the defensive zone, to the neutral zone, over the red line to the other neutral zone, then to the attacking zone? It was meant to speed up the game and prevent the neutral zone trap wasn't it? It seems a byproduct of that is that maybe some skill was lessened also because a player has twice as much area to complete a pass.
Speaking of passes. It is a joy to see someone like Shafranov who can really handle the puck. He reminds me of some of the Komets from the 1960's. Lately the Komets have been doing a much better job at not trying to make the "perfect" pass and rather just shooting the puck. It seems to agree with them as the goal scoring has increased also. I am reminded that Robbie Laird once said the difference between the NHL and this skill level is that in the NHL the playres can make at least three passes tape-to-tape, where at this level they can make about two passes. It doesn't sound like much but it is a big difference.
Good Lord, thats more info than we needed Snuff.
Just got back from Fort Wayne and thought I would get caught up on the blog. Had a great extended weekend in the Fort but was somewhat upset about Saturday's game. I think they were tight. A huge opportunity to close the gap and they got "Bouched" Thanks to everyone for the tremendous hospitality. I met a few of you and will look forward to meeting a few more next trip. Good to read your thoughts again Alan, haven't noticed Wendy writing while I was away.
Stay respectful, have fun, bloggers.
Sorry JM lol.
Alan the ability to pass across two lines along with improvements in skates, conditioning, weight of sticks and pads all contribute to a quicker game.
If I may folks, I agree with Mr. S. However another big change to pace of the game is the length of the shifts. Some of the pros I play old timers with, say shifta in the 60's could be almost 2 minutes long, yes in the NHL. Obviously the players are in much better condition but you can only go full speed (about 30 mph) so long. In the old days there was more coasting. So todays shifts average a little over 40 seconds without whistles.
Blake mentioned short shifts sometime last week. You can go harder and faster in short bursts. Take a rest and because the guys are in much better condition do it again 90 seconds to 2 minutes later. They recover that fast.
Lighten up Francis - I mean Frozen Water
I disagree with Monkey. Also they put an entire banana in my foo foo drinks at the game. Changing blog handle to FooFooMonkey.
Super Fan....you know I love you. But go back and read things man. You blew a gasket on here last night, singled out 4 or 5 bloggers, or maybe just one, I can't tell for sure.... and then your reaction is 20 or 25 people coming on here to celebrate dogging on others they deem "negative". So you essentially brought out a bunch of bloggers to high five one another and throw how hateful words towards a few.
If that was your goal. You shoot, you scores.
I mean, hhuuummm, thank you for allowing me the time to make a comment. I made myself a pepsi tonight and it tasted good. The post above me suggests that someone put their banana in Burgee's Foo Fighter Drink....bet that had a strange wang to it. LOL
I am going to suggest that my wife dye her hair red, or orange I think. LOL
Go Komets.
Running Komet made an absolutely great post. It really breaks things down well.
Nothing is going to get me down, go ahead and keep hating some of you.
Here is your target.
Alan, the red line was put in during WWII to slow some of the faster players down. With so many men off fighting the war the talent level was uneven so it was added as a way to even things up a bit.
Mike, isn't the shorter length of shifts also made possible by more players on a team now then back then. So with more players in better shape shorter, faster shifts are the norm.
I remember back in the early '70s when I was running around with a bunch of Milwaukee Admirals heavy, iron pumping workouts were almost unheard of and there were always a couple of players who were lucky to be sobered up by game time from the festivities of the night before. Ah, the good old days.... :-)
At times I wonder what kind of scores we would see if today's goalies had to use the same equipment, or even just the same size, as the goalies did back in the '60s and earlier?
When I was shooting the breeze with Terry Pembroke at Ohare he said a canadiens idea of working out in the off season was switching hands when drinking beer while fishing.
He said the one thing that changed the game was the russians, when he played against them he said all he could see was streaks flying by him, he said they were so far superior as far as being in shape.
I got to listen to him for about an hour that night, I had a feeling I might run into him so I just waited and watched for a fella in a cowboy hat and boots and sure enough, he came walking around a post and I startled him a tad by knowing his name, then he quickly lightened up and we shot the breeze for a while. That and having lunch with Bob Chase last year listening to his stories are a couple of my favorite moments I'll never forget.
50 just wanted to hit 50 posts before midnight, hate coming up short on predictions.
Schebig drinks foo foos and savage is a closet komet fan.
Burgee--Who told you Savage was a closet Komet fan? That was his and my secret. That and the fact he wears dresses. Go drink another Coke Zero. Try putting a banana in it along with the little blue ones. A real upper!
Steve, the normal team size has always been close to the same. If you go way back to early 1900's the teams only had a few spares and there was an extra man on the ice called a rover. The changes you talk about with the red line etc. are correct. The rover was eliminated in the '20s I believe.
But by and large there has been a combination of 18 or 19 skaters in the modern era. Last night Detroit had 8 defencemen dressed and some played a few forward shifts.
I would say the shorter shifts are due to the demands playing defence correctly puts on forwards. You have to come back as hard as you attacked, make sure you have your man. So a few times up and down the ice is about all you can take at full speed.
And obviously bad decisions are made when you are tired.
I think the down turn in scoring has a correlation with this focus on team defence. If you look at some classic games from the early '70s it was 3 on 2 going both ways most of the game with the odd "awesome back check"
And as all players will tell you it is a very difficult game physically when you have to play without the puck. LOL.
Thanks Mike. A rover? That sounds interesting, especially when there has been discussion of cutting back to four skaters.
Way to generate those comments, Blake! That's entertainment.