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Tailing the Komets


Posted in: Komets


Mon, 02/08/2010 - 7:18am

Nerd Alert Nerd Alert.

So was I.

Mon, 02/08/2010 - 8:37am

High School was the best seven years of my life.

Blueline Baby
Mon, 02/08/2010 - 7:33pm

LOL....it was actually just me talking about Jason and me, no reflection on anyone else. Sorry if it sounded that way. He was talking to Blake at the latest book signing, and the subject of his grades came up....Blake asked him what his grades were like, and I mentioned that they were all A's. He's young yet....but I do hope he keeps them up enough to get a scholarship, so I don't have to pay for college. A hockey scholarship to anywhere that would pay for him to play sounds pretty good to me!

I KNEW people on the honor roll my senior year in high school....is that close enough? :)
