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Tailing the Komets

So long... for a while

As long as I can get approval from Hit Somebody, I'm going on vacation until early July. Behave yourselves. Please. I'll be spending all the ill-gotten gains I've received from running this blog over the last few years on wine, women and song, meaning it'll be water, Barbie and the Bee Gees marathon. No foo foos for me. Then it will be time to come back and start on the football tab.

Posted in: Komets


Thu, 06/24/2010 - 8:56am

That would be nice.

I would agree the argument of "buy the team" is WAY overplayed. Do you guys have anything better? Something with a little more "burn-quality" to it?

I think the Frankes have seen the writing on the wall and that's why they reached out to the CHL. I wish the acutal COMMISIONER of the IHL would have bigger rocks and tell the Frankes what the IHL is going to do and not the other way around, so it seems, not to say that's true.

Speaking of rocks, I don't know why the IHL seems to think theirs are bigger than everyone else's. I don't know why they don't just join a frickin league already or just say that the IHL stands on their own. I'm kinda tired of this wishy-washy crap that they're saying now. (Telling you how I really feel). If they needed money, why not just come out and say it. The big bad banks did. What puts you above them? Two different things I know, but for the sake of argument, just sayin.

Who knows, maybe after this week or today everything will be settled and the Ks will be in the CHL, hopefully, instead of the IHL-not the CHL-until we get more teams and break away-league. If that was they intention all along, say it! Transparency would be nice from time to time (wishful thinking, I know).

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 9:45am

Do you all realize that the NHL meetings are going on in Vegas at the sametime the CHL, IHL Association (Whatever) is doing their thing. I know I am not the sharpest knife in the draw or the brightest bulb in the room, but I am a thinker! (I am in trouble now aren't I) Does anyone else think there could be much more serious things going on than any of us can imagine? I have no upfront or inside knowledge. I am just inclined to think there is. Could be wishful think on my part, I admit.

What do you think?

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 10:26am

With the CHL being publicly held, no information is going to flow until it is final and with the IHL being tied to the CHL i don't know how the I would be able to say anything. Can't put any forward thinking info out there. so that will drive people nuts and make them ask why arent we hearing anything etc.

There are probably other factors with the CHL IHL that none of us know or will know on why they keep both. i could speculate but it would be a waste of time.

i always look at the numbers for the proof, so far there are more season tickets sold for this year over last year.

i stopped feeling heavy chested about being a STH when i realized the walk up / group crowd was 25-30% larger than the STH base.

The nellies tend to drive away the positive patsies because they just get tired of reading the same old negativity from the same group. There are a bunch of good people that haven't posted in a long time because of this.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 11:24am

How about this "overplayed" statement.....
The Fort Wayne Komets are an recreational option in Fort Wayne...other options include watching the tramps swing from poles at showgirls, talking to the animals at the zoo, getting into drunken brawls at Pierre's, laughing and pointing at the Amish and eating yourself into a larger pant size.
All of the above are choices and ways to spend your time and money. If any of the above do not make you happy there is nobody forcing you to spend your time and money partaking in them.
If the Komets do not provide you with an entertaining experience then please don't spend your time and money there.
The daily b*tching and bashing by the same people, especially on the other blog is laughable.
Am I a vocal supporter of the Komets and the Franke family? Yes and I am also a corporate advertiser so I put my money where my mouth is.
But if I felt like my money and support was not giving me a return on my financial and emotional investment I certainly would not be back here day after day with the same slams on the Komets, the Franke/Frainke/Frankee/Frankes and the league they play in.
I'd spend my time and money doing something more productive like finding something else to invest my time and money.
Bottom line, don't like the product? Walk away. It will still be there when you decide to jump back on the bandwagon. And if it isn't because the Franke family decide to sell/move/fold the team, then you won't have to worry about it anymore. Maybe Friday nights can be spent cheering on the Roller Derby Bowling team.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 12:48pm

SNUFF-I sure wish I had command of english like you do! VERY well said!

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 12:53pm

Is there an echo in here?

Do the Fort Wayne Fever, Flash, Firehawks, MadAnts, and Tin Caps have any room in your little tirade there?

"watching the tramps swing from poles at showgirls, talking to the animals at the zoo, getting into drunken brawls at Pierre

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 1:21pm

Thank you Dennis. I am trying my best.
Now if someone could please explain to me what an "acutal COMMISIONER" is then it might help me understand what Rob was saying and what Fort Wayne carrying the label of dumbest city in America has to do with anything.

"I don't think about anything too much . . . If I think too much, it kind of freaks me out!"..
Pamela Anderson

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 1:48pm

Quickly responding to Burgee's post.

I must admit that since I'm not a corporate attorney I must defer to those who tell us that no info can be released until the proper time. Still, it seems that the league meetings are designed to hammer all these details out. Can someone ( who really knows ) explain to me what the harm is to the Global entity to announce answers to my questions I posted above? Especially as the meetings end.

My mention of being a STH wasn't meant to be construed as myself being "heavy chested". My money is due on July 31st. That money and other STH money is and will be in the Komets bank. It is "cash on hand" and can be used for anything they choose. The 25-30% walk up crowd is "future" money. Stuff they may be able to "forecast" with.

I guess I don't think of myself as either a "negative nellie" or a "positive patsie". I consider myself, as I hope others who take the time to read my entries, a person who has questions and asks them, has opinions and will express them, has facts and will submit them.

My feeling is there are other reasons why some of the bloggers who use to come on here choose not to anymore. If they felt "bullied" then I would hope they would reconsider. Maybe they got bored.

I know that I must be patient ( I've blogged that fact over and over), I know I trust the Franke's to make the correct decisions ( I've stated that numerous times also), but the STH deadline is a Komet deadline. I just want some more information on what is happening. How can I be blamed or ridiculed for that?

I'm not throwing "darts" at anyone or any organization. Just the opposite. I'm hoping that some info gets thrown my way.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 2:05pm

Alan that is a well thought out post.
I have no problem with people having questions or wanting info. My angst comes from people who ask the questions and then answering the questions themselves while at the same time throwing as many of the darts as they can right at the Komets and the Franke family for doing a silly thing like making money.
There is some genuine misguided and misinformed anger and downright nasty darts being thrown at the Komets and for the life of me I don't understand anyone getting those type of emotions out of an optional recreational activity. You would think we were in France right now greeting our World Cup team instead of being a city who has been league champions for roughly 3 years. Oh I know..to some of you the IHL is not a real league and the Komets played no competition. Maybe they will finish last this year then the complaining will stop.


"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost. "

Gustave Flaubert

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 2:09pm

Just because a girl swings from a pole doesn't make her a tramp. And the Roller Derby girls rule. :)

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 2:10pm

That would be Dennis Hextall. As far as your second question, I believe you just reaffirmed the claim. I apologize for any confusion.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 2:12pm

When answers can't be found people have a habit at looking toward the ones in charge.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 2:16pm

Dennis: Reading his above tirade, I think saying Snuff "has command of english" (sic) is a bit far-fetched. Granted, compared to your ciphers, his grammar is superior, but command is a rank I fear has passed him by at some point.

From past posts I assume Wendy lives in or newr Grabill, so I will let her explain how lucky Snuff is that most Amish won't fight, so he should be safe making his bigoted remarks on here without being pummeled. The scarier part is how "nice guy" Dschebig backed up the remark with a "VERY well said!"

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 2:22pm

He just said "laughing and pointing at the Amish". In my opinion, that says more about the character of the person laughing and pointing than it does about the Amish.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 2:24pm

Intolerance of differing opinions, ideas, speculations, etc... puts you firmly into the 'simple minded' category, IMO...

I read everyones posts, agree with some, disagree with some, think about all and come back for more... I wish more people on both sides of the discussion would comment more. I think its great reading how different we all watch a game, follow our team, chose what to question or not to, etc... First and foremost, I am a fan of hockey and pay my allegiance to this sport. I am a fan of the Blackhawks and Komets second.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 2:52pm

WOW, Mr. Snuff. I talk to the animals & drink & likes brawls & love to eat. I also have done all of the above at the Komet games :)

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 2:58pm

WOW Mr.Snuff -Pam Anderson also, I work security for her 1 time when she was in Indy. Seamed like a real nice person :)

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 3:09pm

Alan-You sir are correct in wanting more information, I would agree we all do! However, I think I can safely say we will all have it before 7/31.
At least I sure hope so. It is still June 24th.

JR has a point (well stated) that picking on the Amish is not the right thing to do. I didn't read it that way the first time. (my bad). I am not a fan of the Derby Girls. I am pretty sure they love what they do and are very dedicated to it.

Snuff-I agree with the point/opinion you were trying to make. I think I understood it the way you meant it.

mightbite-I talk to animals also. My Black Lab even talks back. I have had my share of brawls and gave that up. All anyone has to do is look at me to see I like to eat!

Peace blogging "friends"

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 3:16pm


While I think understand the point that you're trying to make.....However, I think that you could have given better examples of other forms of recreation and leisure.....My friend's 7 yr. old girl was dancing against a tent pole at a Derby Girls event..does that make her a tramp?

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 3:42pm

Dschbig, my pit-rot also talks back. My little girl before her was a Dingo mix & man she would be going all the time.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 4:54pm

My mistake....trying to read too much too quick....I meant for my last comment for Mr. Snufflupugus.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 5:18pm

Well Bob, it looks like Snuff has had the misfortune of misjudging those who go to Derby Girls events and mislabeling girls who dance... Or maybe he is just a misogynist who completely missed on the point he was trying to make thereby offending a certain segment of readers on this board???

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 7:15pm

I was just trying to make a point that one has to be careful when making certain comments. I have seen it happen before on this blog and others when someone makes a comment or joke that is ok with 99.9 % of the intended audience, but if even one or two people take exception to it then there is a problem. I know of one or two people that no longer post here (and elsewhere) because of remarks made in the past.

I have no problem with Snuff or anyone else on this blog....most of you folks I don't know personally, others I do know and count them among my friends. I am beginning to think that the intense heat and humidity is starting to get to some of us....I know that I'm ready for hockey and perhaps a foo foo drink...they are good just don't sip it too fast!

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 8:28pm

I thought Snuff was just being sarcastic. I made the comment I did simply because I find find that it never hurts to remind people that a girl can do whatever she wants to do, and more power to her. :D

As for the Derby Girls, they operate exclusively for charity, though even if that weren't the case, I don't see why anyone wouldn't like them. They make me wish I could roller skate.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 9:27pm

Bob/Dennis/Wendy clearly you are intelligent enough to understand me.

Mightbite... you just keep doing your thing. ;)

The rest....lol...at least they try but breathing and thinking at the same time is something clearly that is taxing on their central nervous systems.

My guess is most of the complainers will still be there opening night as a member of the "AKSC" (Angry Komets Secret Society). And if you aren't there, nobody will notice or care. So it is all good.

Back to my delicious Amish popcorn bought from the candy store in Downtown Grabil the last time I passed through there.

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 10:50pm

LOL, typical....

Fri, 06/25/2010 - 2:42am

I'm not intelligent to understand = that is why I go to Komet games is to bash my head into the glass & hallway walls for 23 years=and still plan on doing it again this year :)

Fri, 06/25/2010 - 2:59am

Pam Anderson is from BC. Canada. Was in Indy long time ago to see a Motley Crue concert. / We need some player signings= Woods-Henley-Morency etc.

Fri, 06/25/2010 - 7:20am

Snuff has a future at Fox News... Offend, deflect, deny.

Fri, 06/25/2010 - 7:22am

Wouldn't the acronym be "AKSS"? It's a good thing I'm too unintelligent to catch when people make themselves look foolish ;)
