How many of you are worried about the gas prices this winter possibly affecting your ability to go to Komets' games? Are some of you skipping season tickets because of it? If gas hits $4 per gallon, which kind of changes will you have to make or are you already making?
KW, we are still looking for any proof of the "Chaulk playing in the UHL again" news. Got any? Or was that just as real as your play group the OHIC?
Where's Blake ???? Normally he would have squashed a rumor that was not backed up with an actual source....
Hey anybody see the news that Rodberg signed with Bakersfield in the ECHL. THe only Reason I bring it up is because in the listing I saw the name Danny Stewart is signed to play there as well. i swore I saw Danny's name on playing for and team in Britian this coming year. What gives? Are there two Danny Stewart's?
Yes. D. Stew of Komet fame is still going to England. Bakersfield is a different Danny.
Thanks JM. I know I'm tired but I didn't think I was that tired.
bakersfields danny is a 21 yr old rookie,i broke the rodberg story (without komet warriors permission ) about twenty comments ago. blackned would have fit last year as a shot in the arm, but this year bringing in a almost new team, id rather wasted the money on someone younger and one that plays both ways;
i have yet to see anything that would make me believe that joining the OHIC would benefit me in any way. Your news is usually old or has been covered already by someone else. It is my belief the people that usally frequent this board read the UHL website, as i do then come here to see if anything has been written about it. I am still waiting for credible research to back up your claim about Chaulk, After that maybe i would join. Do i get an official membership card or do i still have to find it in the elusive Cracker Jack box
I believe Brandon has caught on to KW.
Warrior will not be pleased. I will live in fear.
watch out, theres a 10yr old circling my house right now on a tricyle! should i be worried too?
I bet Warrior sports a classic style big wheel!
Hey Brandon you need to let ME now if you are in MAN. Email ME your hockey NEWS if you have any and then i will think about posting it got it! It has to follow Blakes and Marks rules.
As we approach mid-August ........... No Larocque.
I was just on the UHL site again. So, is Flint going to sign anybody this year? With around 7 weeks till camp, I would think that they might want to start getting somebody signed.
Why on gods green earth would i send you my news. So you can think about posting it!! Whatever Man you are delusional to think that everybody wants to be in your "group". Personally i think that if i were you i would quit posting at all and save yourself the embarassment of everyone making you look like a fool. Thanks for the offer but ill have to pass. I wouldnt want you taking credit for any news i might have.
Flint, typically does not announce any signings til well into September. Of course they just got a new coach and GM so they might be a little behind.
The one literate person in Flint is in jail this week so there is nobody to issue the press releases.
LMAO Good answer Tony. Thanks, Greg
Don't know if anyone has seen this; but Jed Ortmeyer (Rangers) was diagnosed with a pulmonary embalism and will be sidelined indefinetly... I believe that Jed was the brother of Jake who played for the K's and that the K's drafted him and/or offered him a contract out of college that year... Hopefully everything will turn out fo r the best and Jed will be able to play hockey in the future...
that sucks for Jed, hope all is well and i wish him a speedy recovery
thats ole ole not sucks. good luck jed, my fav nhl team! wheres dale purinton at?
I live 5 miles from the Coliseum. Gas prices won't affect my attendance. On a side note, why isn't the 3$/game parking included with season tickets?
parking goes to the county not the komets. to change the subject a liitle, what are yu guys feeling about the uhl's neew "catch phrase" this year? uhl.. elite professional hockey! personally i think it ole's. cant we come up with a better one? (sorry blake for steping in with a new topic)
How does Dickie still have a job is my question....?????
Hit, I think that you just opened up Pandora's Box with that question....
I wish Jed Ortmeyer well. He's done a good job for the Rangers for the past couple of years.
I Love you girls