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Tailing the Komets

So long... for a while

As long as I can get approval from Hit Somebody, I'm going on vacation until early July. Behave yourselves. Please. I'll be spending all the ill-gotten gains I've received from running this blog over the last few years on wine, women and song, meaning it'll be water, Barbie and the Bee Gees marathon. No foo foos for me. Then it will be time to come back and start on the football tab.

Posted in: Komets


Fri, 06/25/2010 - 9:04am

I have a great respect for the Amish. I really do. I can't imagine choosing to live my life they way they do with all of the technology surrounding them that they can't use.

I have to admit thought, that when in high school, I read a newspaper article about two buggys having a head-on collision. I will tell you now that I was quite amused by the thought of that, and while I hope that no one was hurt, it still makes me chuckle to think about it.

Fri, 06/25/2010 - 10:16am

Head-on, huh? Was there a high-speed chase involved?

Fri, 06/25/2010 - 11:51am

RCKollafan, my "mistake" was one with a purpose..... but you weren't able to figure it out.
JM, no denying or deflecting. I call it the way I see it and right now the crap I read on both blogs has the peel coming off the onions.
I have not singled out one person or called any individual out by name. There is no need to.
If you are offended by what I say it just means it hits too close to home and you place yourself in the group to which I am referring.
Thankfully most of the AKSC group tend to stink up the other blog.
I have never seen a loud vocal minority with such a big inflated sense of entitlement and self importance. And unlike some of the other posters who got tired of it and walked away, I'll continue to call it out when I see it.

Fri, 06/25/2010 - 11:57am

Oh goody.....they are starting a Komets Boycott!
This continues to be more entertaining to the day.

What's next? A Facebook page to bring an NHL team to town?


Fri, 06/25/2010 - 11:59am

Above should read "entertaining BY the day"
Hard to type when laughing so hard.

How many more days until the sold out opening night?

Blueline Baby
Fri, 06/25/2010 - 6:50pm

Mr Snuff....Oct 15th....see ya there!! Can't wait!

Sat, 06/26/2010 - 1:47am

Buggy crashes... The horse usually bites it when that happens. Typically they get skewered by the buggy as I understand it. It's very sad.

By the way, Amish use cell phones now. And generators. And solar panels. Personally, I think they are getting awfully "fancy".

Sat, 06/26/2010 - 1:53am

"They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
~ Carl Sagan

Sat, 06/26/2010 - 3:32am

"TIME HAS COME" =mightbite / dayton + musky-evans=don't have a coach

Sat, 06/26/2010 - 5:43am

Got this off the IHL website. Dayton will have a press conference on Wednesday, June 30 to announce the hiring of a new head coach and new front office staff. The event will take place in the lobby of Hara Arena at 1:30 PM.

Sat, 06/26/2010 - 10:01am

Dang Bob! I wanted to get the 100th post lol.

Good news on Dayton.
Like Flint and Port Huron it is a city falling victim to population decline and some tough times but if they can get any kind of steady organization there, I think there are enough fans there to support the team.

tim hoke
Sat, 06/26/2010 - 12:53pm

snuff...good points. i have not been posting because of all the pointless stuff. i really enjoy you and alan. there are a few here that are keeping me away. most likely i will be back in october when we know what is going on for sure! until then all you folks have a great and safe summer! live long and prosper! tim

Hit Somebody!!!
Sat, 06/26/2010 - 4:34pm

Good Points Kool-aid Drinkers.

I have not been posting because of the pointless stuff here. There are a few that are keeping me away....too.

Gotta love that mightier than thou post....LOL

You all suck.

I saw Sebring wearing his Brandon Warner Jersey at in South Africa at the World Kup with his face painted....He was foo foo drinking, horn blowing, and was sitting with Ficirelli.

Oh the humanity.

Isn't about time for some good news from this CHL/IHL Association?

Sun, 06/27/2010 - 10:55am

Mightier than thou... That about sums it up..

Corporate sponsors are impressive. Just ask them. The ones on this blog that get thier hindends kissed by Sproat and Franke like to sit up in thier throne on this blog and dictate how us "simple minded" folks should feel.

This stuff cracks me up. It's minor league hockey, people.

I'm waiting for someone to suggest the two sides "meet up at the S curves" to duke it out..

Sun, 06/27/2010 - 12:30pm

Sit up in their throne? I can't say that I see it that way. They have opinions and they state them like anyone else. I think that other people maybe feel intimidated by certain bloggers because of their association with the Komets, but that's more a result of the reader's own anxieties and/or lack of confidence, not because those bloggers are throwing their weight around more than other people do. If you disagree with someone, speak up. It shouldn't matter who they are or who you are.

Sun, 06/27/2010 - 7:05pm

I don't think anyone is intimidated. I think people just get sick of those with "special privilidges" from being corporate sponsors telling everyone else how great everything is....

Some of us don't write our tickets off to our company, some of us don't get free game worn jerseys delivered when we re-up our sponsorship, some of us actually wait in line for bobbleheads, some of us don't employ players during the summer..

I guess what I'm saying is that if I were in thier shoes, I'd feel everything is peachy too.. But I'm just a bum paying $650 a seat for season tickets to a league on a "trial basis"..

Perspective is everything.

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 06/27/2010 - 7:29pm

JM said it. Perfectly.

Sun, 06/27/2010 - 8:53pm

What I have received from the Komets as a result of me putting my money and faith where my mouth is has nothing to do with any of this.
If the Komets were not good for my business I can sure as heck tell you I would walk away rather than keep paying and I sure as heck wouldn't make a fool out of myself or waste valuable time ranting and raving about the teams owners. I'd spend my money with the Tincaps or another team, or find something totally different to do.
But someone who emailed me a few days ago was right when they told me that very few happy people spend time blogging or telling others how happy they are. It is mainly those who feel it is their God given purpose in life to moan and groan that entrench themselves into the blogosphere.
Note for those of you living on the south side of Dunfee, this does not apply to everyone who has had questions or concerns about the new league and what it means. We all want to know those things. This is directed to the idiots on the Boycott the Komets facebook page and anyone else who thinks that is a good idea.

And that my friends is how I feel about that. lol.

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 06/27/2010 - 9:02pm

This from a blogger that posted 14 times in this thread alone.....LOL

Sun, 06/27/2010 - 9:41pm

Thanks for counting.... ;)

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 2:13am

I see your point JM. Okay, so those people have reason to be partial whether they realize it or not. But we're all influenced by our experiences. If those people want to be positive, that's their right. It is just their opinion, after all.

As for the boycott, they shouldn't expect that it will make any real difference to the Komets organization. But anyone who strongly disagrees with the way the Komets organization is being run shouldn't be ridiculed if they don't feel like skipping off to games as if nothing is wrong. They can and should vote with their wallets, whatever their beef is. It is the only power the consumer has, even if in reality it makes very little difference.

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 3:23am

I boycotted the food stands & don't think I hurt them any. $4.00 pop & $6.00 popcorn= RIP-OFF.

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 5:28am

The "boycott" is ridiculous and won't matter.

My point was and is... its all about your persepective. We can all argue til were blue in the face and Snuff isn't changing my mind, I'm not changing his. If you can't accept other people's opinions without calling them "simple minded" then you have a problem. I dated a girl once that I thought was great. She treated me well, bought me things, and had a great attitude. Her ex-boyfriend got dumped after she cheated on him. Same girl, two differnt opinions... Its all about perspective.

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 7:05am

Sorry for jumping in in the middle of this, I have been working way too much and not enough time in the day to post all the time and keep up, but I'll try.

I don't see anything wrong with boycotting the Komets and thinking that will make a difference, whatever you want to do with your money and time is your business. The problem I have with SOME of the people saying they are going to boycott is the attention they think they deserve because they are boycotting. If you don't like something, stop spending all your time concentrating on making others not like it either. I don't spend my money on cigarettes. I don't like cigarettes, but I am not going to join a cigarette smoking blog and try to convince them all to stop and tell them they are worse off for smoking.

I understand what I am getting myself, and my family, into by buying season tickets. We are going to watch the same level of hockey I have come to love over the past 10-15 years. My sons will still love spending time with Grandpa at the games. I will still hang out with the four other families I sit with. If this makes me less of a hockey fan that I am not up in arms in the situation we are in, so be it. There are more important things in life to stress out about than the "A vs.AA" or "I'm a better fan than you because I'm not going to the games anymore" argument.

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 8:09am

I have boycotted liver and asparagus all my life.

Quick question. If there are "boycotts" then why aren't there "girlcotts"?

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 10:05am

"If you don

Mike in Toronto
Mon, 06/28/2010 - 10:54am

"Nothing so obstinately stands in the way of all sorts of progress as pride of opinion; while nothing is so foolish and baseless."
--Josiah Gilbert Holland,
American novelist and poet

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 06/28/2010 - 12:37pm

But how much fun would it be if you guys (4 or 5 of you tops) would have tehe blog all to yourselves exchanging pleasantries and patting each other on the back about how great you feel about not questioning anything that the local team does?


Fans like to question, arm chair quarterback, biatch, complain, get excited, root for, high five, celebrate.....etc.

You guys crack me up sometimes.

There was a time on this blog where it was 4 or 5 only, ummm....last summer for a time.

I don't think the blog was that much fun then, and the topics were "paint drying" and "grass growing".

Until Blake says this is not a forum to discuss all things hockey and all things Komets.....then learn to be accepting of others opinions....or you can go away as easy as the ones you complain about.

You know? LOL

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 1:01pm

Hit--I thinks that is what is happening. At least that is my opinion and I am sticking to it. (For now)

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 1:32pm

nobody on top of the signing today while superfan is vacationing?
