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Hoosier lore

Rubes of the road

Dumb drivers:

Approximately one in three drivers said they usually do not stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. At least one out of five drivers did not know that pedestrians in a crosswalk have the right of way. At least one in five also did not know that roads are most slippery when it first starts to rain after a dry spell.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Sorta, kinda deadly

Letter to the editor in The Journal Gazette calling tasers "deadly weapons" and saying Wells County police were wrong to use one in a specific case. (The letter writer goes on to criticize the sheriff for trying the case "in the court of public opinion," like, oh, you know, the letter writer is doing.)

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Still sinnin', still payin'

Thank God this was just a simple error of calculation:

The city of Indianapolis has been shortchanged as much as $19 million due to a mistake in calculating Indiana's alcohol excise tax.

I'd hate to think people in Indiana are actually drinking that much less.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Reappearing railroad blues

Now, see what that evil Mitch Daniels has started. Here's another disposal of precious infrastructure assets to a foreign company. Why, this is just . . .

. . . Oh, wait. It's a Candadian company, selling rail lines it owns, in Indiana. To the Indiana Rail Road Co.

Never mind.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

The big fix

Here it comes, the predictable use of the victim-identification mixup to push for replacement of elected coroners with appointed medical examiners. But the mistakes that were made really have nothing to do with our coroner system, as the editorial admits:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Ditch the "Ditch Mitch"

Oh, yeah, this is a really smart platform for Indiana Democrats in the fall election:

Baseless politics

When I read about Mike Pence, truly a conservative in most respects, dissing the U.S. Senate's amnesty plan disguised as a guest-worker program, then offering his alternative, which calls for a stronger border-security program, followed by another version of an amnesty program that he says is not an amnesty program, I thought I had seen the final proof that Washington.

Finally, a sane step

After picking on the American Civil Liberties Union yesterday, I find myself agreeing with it on one of its efforts:

Indiana prison officials facing a federal civil rights lawsuit for locking up mentally ill inmates in virtual isolation have agreed to move most of them into less harsh conditions.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

A batty world

Thank God we didn't let those cretin Kentuckians kill any Hoosiers in their mad quest for pagan pleasure:

Northern Kentucky University isn't going batty.

The school didn't find any endangered Indiana bats in the trees on the site of its new $64.2 million arena, clearing the way for construction to begin.

Maybe the Belmont Beverage folks should have planted some Indiana-bat-attracting trees as a way to fight off the eminent domaniacs who took their property.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

10 seconds they'll never get back

Har, har: I know a few women who would say the nickname given to this Indiana bank robber would apply to most men.

A suspect in a string of bank robberies -- in which the perpetrator was dubbed the “10-Second Robber” -- has been arrested in northwest Indiana, according to the FBI.

Posted in: Hoosier lore