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Hoosier lore

The A-bomb of the drug war

Boy, you can't say Mark Souder isn't serious about fighting the drug war. He actually wants to test a fungus, Fusarium oxysporum, to see if it can destroy the plants in Colombia and Afghanistan used to make cocaine and heroin. There's just one tiny little problem:

However, the nation's drug czar, John Walters, and his staff said it's possible that the fungus would not only destroy coca plants and poppies - which are made into cocaine and heroin_ but also ruin the soil for other crops.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Perverts' rights

You have to admire the ICLU's tenacity. Once it finds a group of oppressed victims whose rights are being crushed, it sticks with them, no matter what. Some advocates would have been disheartened if the highest court in the land turned back their efforts:

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday said it would not consider a constitutional challenge to a state policy that sharply restricts minors' visits to imprisoned sex offenders who victimized children.

[. . .]

Posted in: Hoosier lore

One way to get through the job

I tell you, it's that music. If it annoys us that much, it just has to drive to drink the ones who hear it over and over, all day long.

Something was wrong with the ice cream man selling treats on their street.

Not only was the driver of the ice cream truck driving erratically, police say he registered three-times the legal limit for driving under the influence.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

An uncanny foul-up

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Indiana as a grim metaphor

"Indiana's the wrong place to be breaking apart on a highway that lasts forever." Stephen Thompson of NPR writes about David Mead's 2004 "Indiana" album (including an audio link):

Though it hits several destinations along the way -- song titles include "Nashville," "New Mexico" and "Queensboro Bridge" -- it most notably evokes the grim chore of driving through Indiana as a metaphor for missing life at home.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

The Hoosier sandwich

Ah, such perfect symmetry in nature. We want to have more biofuels plants, which will require the production of more corn, which will mean more corn byproducts to use as pig feed, which means more pig production, which means a steady supply of breaded tenderloins, a sandwich other states try but only Indiana gets right.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Bang, bang

At least on this issue, Indiana is ahead of the curve:

A campaign by gun rights advocates to make it easier to use deadly force in self-defense is rapidly winning support across the country, as state after state makes it legal for people who feel their lives are in danger to shoot down an attacker - whether in a car-jacking or just on the street.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Time-zone zombies

God almighty, GET OVER IT and move on:

Five counties in southwestern Indiana have decided they want to go back to the Eastern Time Zone.

The county leaders are seeking a reversal of this spring's time-zone switch.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

We have our priorities straight

Who says we don't take education seriously in Indiana?

For the 34th time in last 35 years, the Indiana men's basketball team finished the year ranked among the nation's top-11 attendance leaders, as announced the NCAA recently. The Hoosiers had a total of 220,343 fans who went through the turnstiles throughout the season, which equalled an average of 16,949 per contest - a number that ranked as the eighth-best per game average in college basketball this season.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Boys in dresses

I guess I don't understand this story:

GARY, Ind. -- A male student who has worn women's clothes to school all year was turned away from his high school prom because he was wearing a dress.

Posted in: Hoosier lore