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Hoosier lore

Throw the book at 'em

Well, this is just outrageous:

HUNTINGTON, Ind. Authorities in Indiana say they found cocaine hidden in the spines of two Bibles that a woman allegedly bought and tried to send to her husband in jail.

Anthony Duckworth, who's been in the Huntington County jail for months, and his wife, Amy, have been charged with two counts of trafficking with an inmate.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Metaphor alert

I have no idea what a "moderate liberal" is, but this Indiana University graudate claims to be one. He has discovered, you know, that we all live in cages -- poor people have small ones and rich people have big ones -- because we are all, you know, "prisoners of our culture."

The majority of the world is content within their cages. Most are able to fly from one branch to another, eat plenty of food, and drink to their hearts' content.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Promise keepers

Oh, the poor stadium authority. Because it let a private company actually keep some its property, continuing the family business, it's in so much trouble:

The agreement leaves the authority with about 500 fewer parking spaces than were promised to the Indianapolis Colts, which will call the stadium home.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

It's good to be Jim Irsay

The Stadium Authority vs. NK Hurst Co. case -- watched closely by all of us eminent-domain foes -- has ended with a settlement. Mike Kole isn't that thrilled with the deal:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Apparently, it's no 'Pretty Woman'

Poor Julia Roberts; makes her Broadway debut and becomes the star the critics love to hate. Remember when she stopped off in Marion for her surprise and short-lived marriage to Lyle Lovett? Everybody wanted to know what it was she possibly could have seen in the goofy-looking singer. But I'd been listening to a lot of Lovett's music, and I wondered what in the world he saw in her.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

It's our own fault

Hey, aren't you glad you don't live out in California, where you could be killed any day by an earthquake? Don't be too glad -- you do live near another fault line.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Buzz off


I swear. The state spends $90,000 for research and testing, and what results after, naturally, a "brainstorming session," is a spiffy new slogan that's supposed to get tourists to flock here: Indiana: Restart Your Engines. And these people actually believe this:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

The next 100 have to be better

Happy 100th birthday to Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana. It's hard to imagine any other city having to work so hard to get into a celebratory mood:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Death list

And the winner is: "March 23, 1913: Tornadoes and flooding between Terre Haute and Indianapolis; floods in Indianapolis area killed nearly 200." Nothing like the 100th anniversary of a major catastrope as an excuse for a morbid little list of the state's own disasters. I have to admit, though; I read the list all the way through.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Fred's follies

Posted in: Hoosier lore