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Opening Arguments

Are we having fun yet?

Take your choice -- scientific ignorance:

Lots of people are talking about John McCain's lunatic pronouncement that "there's strong evidence" for the proposition that thimerosol, a mercury-based preservative used in vaccines, causes autism. This is nonsense on stilts.

Or economic ignorance:

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama last week took turns smashing NAFTA with rhetorical baseball bats as though it were a birthday pinata that had failed to open and pour its goodies out on the heads of unfortunate Ohioans.

We can be comforted, I suppose, that there is at least as much disingenuousness as there is denseness in the candidates' pronouncements. Heck of an election.


A J Bogle
Tue, 03/04/2008 - 7:42pm

Ecept that McCain is right about the connection of mercury and Autism, plenty of studies that are NOT funded by big pharma show a link, and Obama and Hillary are right on trade - it has not been a good deal for working people and middle class. All you need to do is look at the record trade deficits to prove that. A few cheaper trinkets at walmart does not even come close to offset the stagnant wages and lost jobs

What was that about ignorance again?

A J Bogle
Tue, 03/04/2008 - 8:42pm

Theres the University of Calgary study, the Oxford study, and studies of the Amish that all suggest a link between mercury exposure and Autism

The Amish studies are especially important because the Amish do not get childhood immunizations and have virtually NO incidence of Autism in their communities.

If Journalists actually did their jobs and investigated and dug deeper rather than take special interest talking points at their face value maybe we would know about this serious problem.

tim zank
Tue, 03/04/2008 - 8:42pm

AJ, is there anything that isn't a conspiracy directly aimed at you and yours?

tim zank
Tue, 03/04/2008 - 8:44pm

"The Amish studies are especially important because the Amish do not get childhood immunizations and have virtually NO incidence of Autism in their communities."

Ya think the the SIZE of the Amish population might come into play? It's a fuzz smaller than the general populice.
