Speaking of the Constitution, isn't it supposed to be the Bible from which the Supreme Court fashions its rulings? Justice Breyer doesn't think so:
Justice Stephen G. Breyer says the Supreme Court must promote the political rights of minorities and look beyond the Constitution's text when necessary to ensure that "no one gets too powerful."
Breyer, a Clinton appointee who has brokered many of the high court's 5-4 rulings, spoke in a televised interview that aired one day before justices hear a key case on race in schools. He said judges must consider the practical impact of a decision to ensure democratic participation.
"We're the boundary patrol," Breyer said, reiterating themes in his 2005 book that argue in favor of race preferences in university admissions because they would lead to diverse workplaces and leadership.
Those remarks should be grounds for impeachment. Whenever justices go "beyond the Constitution," they are just making it up as they go along. With no bedrock foundation, the whole system of law crumbles.
Gee....and JUST when we thought that the Constitution was the baseline for all other (subsequent) laws in this nation....
Before we go impeaching his impudent legal arse, maybe we should bring back the public dunking stool (with HIM as the first "candidate")....?
Our Constitution is the framework OF this nation....W-T-H is this "judge" thinking? I'll wager he takes sex ofenders and gives them all "probation" as well...
~"Breyer says the Supreme Court must promote the political rights of minorities and look beyond the Constitution's text when necessary to ensure that "no one gets too powerful."~
Now if THAT isn't a best-case scenario for the pot calling the kettle bl....oh, nevermind.
The Constitution is there NOT for minorities...it's there for EVERYONE, whatever race, religion, sex, nationality...
It "don't" (sic) get much simpler than THAT.
Oh, please. Scalia gives all kinds of intemperate lectures in front of extremist nutjob groups all the time. If anyone's a candidate for impeachment, he comes the closest.
Leo, I'd challenge you to publish your call for Breyer's impeachment on the hard-copy editorial page, but I know the paper would never allow crap this thoughtless.
Who has voted to strike down the least amount of federal laws?
And who has voted to strike down the most?
The answer might surprise you...