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Opening Arguments

Bring back John Bolton

If I'm somebody's guest, my first rule is not to insult them with scurrilous lies. Apparenly the United Nations does not feel that way about its host country:

GENEVA - U.N. human rights experts told the United States on Thursday to step up efforts to combat racial discrimination in the detention of African-Americans and Hispanics and questioned the treatment of illegal immigrants.

U.S. Ambassador Warren W. Tichenor said United States had made great strides toward equality but he conceded that "we still have significant work to do."

The United States was making its first appearance since 2001 before the experts of the U.N. panel on the elimination of racial discrimination. The 18 independent experts, who are unpaid, periodically review the performance of countries that have signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Linos-Alexander Sicilianos, who led the questioning, said there was overwhelming evidence of police brutality against African-Americans, Arabs and Muslims, Hispanics and other minority groups.

Let's see how evil we are. We are so paralyzed about what to do over illegal immigration that we have created de facto open borders. We responded to 9/11 by agonizing over whether Muslims in America were getting an even break ("Hey, let's be fair. Be sure the grandmothers in wheelchairs get stripped-searched at the airports, too.") And we're about to nominate a black man for president of the United States. Granted, we have not always been without sin in how minority groups have been dealt with. But how many other countries in history have tried so hard to make up for their sins?

And we're going to be lectured on the issue by this collection of tinpot dictators and sniveling socialists? And we now have a U.N. ambassador who concedes that"we still have significant work to do" instead of telling them not to let the door hit them on the way out? Pathetic.

Posted in: Current Affairs


Mon, 02/25/2008 - 10:02pm

John Bolton for VPOTUS!

Tue, 02/26/2008 - 12:24am

I agree with the sentiment, but Tichenor is not the US Ambassador. Zalmay Khalilzad is. Tichenor is our ambassador to Geneva, which may explain some of his reticence to stand up for US interests. Khalilzad is probably even less enamored with international institutionalism than Bolton, even if he's nowhere near as abrasive.
