In the immediate aftermath of 9/11 America seemed united, but that was only because of the rage and fear we felt. In truth, we were still the same polarized nation:
The only consensus on 9/11 was that a terrible tragedy had occurred. There was no consensus as to who was truly responsible. And that is why within hours we began to hear, "Ask yourselves why they hate you." They knew that America had brought this onto itself; deep down they knew that we deserved it.
We all knew that reform was needed. Some of us thought it was the Arab/Islamic world which needed to reform. Others knew, deep down, that America was the true problem.
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We were not united on 9/11 and we have not been united on any day since. But that is not a weakness. If the people of America are ever 100% united on anything whatever, I will know that the country I love has died.
Our enemy's single-minded fanaticism is, ultimately, a fatal weakness. Our great strength is our disunity, the product of our fierce determination to use the great freedom with which we are blessed.