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Opening Arguments


These don't seem like very good marks:

A statewide poll released today found most people surveyed think the Indiana General Assembly is doing at least a fair job.

A total of 65 percent of those surveyed in a WISH (Channel 8) poll rated legislator's performance as fair, good or excellent. 

The largest segment of those surveyed, 32 percent, said they thought the Legislature is doing a fair job. Twenty-nine percent rated lawmakers' overall performance as good and 4 percent said it was excellent. 

Of course, this is one of those polls in which people's opinion of the aggregate doesn't necessarily mean anything about the individuals making up the group. ("I think public education is in terrible shape," people say; but they give high marks to the schools their kids go to.) It's hard to reconcile that 4 percent excellent rating with how many legislators get re-elected.


tim zank
Fri, 09/21/2007 - 7:49am

Leo, you point out very appropiately that most polls are comprised of a healthy portion of equine excrement.

Bob G.
Fri, 09/21/2007 - 7:58am

(that's "horse hockey" to the uninitiated)


