The state, the headline says, is "seeking input" from citizens on this:
According to its testimony and exhibits in this case, I&M is seeking an additional $125.6 million in annual operating revenues from its Indiana customers through a base rate increase.
OK. No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!
Glad I could help.
You forgot Nyet, Nein, Non, Nej, Nu, Nee, and Nei.
Maybe they should bring Reddi Kilowatt out of retirement. Maybe he could explain how this increase would contribute to every company's fundamental mission to delight their customers...
Reddi Kilowatt seems to be working the "shock" and "aw!" department, sending bills that promise to "de-light" customers.
(Actually, I&ME doesn't have rights to Reddi Kilowatt. He belongs to Xcel Energy now.)
Willie Wiredhand is still around, though, working for hundreds of rural co-operatives, and at work internationally, as well. Unlike Reddi, Willie Wiredhand has a UL-approved body.
Harl wrote in part:
"... the