Once again, "research" brings us astonishing news -- it is cheaper to make your own than to buy it ready-made:
Brits are forking out £600 a year for ready-made lunches instead of making their own, a survey has revealed.
Baker Warburtons said working adults spend an average of £2.50 a day on the meal, which adds up to £24,000 in a working lifetime of 40 years.
Their research suggested making one sandwich a week would reduce your lunch bill by £4,800 - not including the cost of the filling.
And this just in -- pending verification of the research, of course -- washing your own clothes is cheaper than taking them to the laundry, mowing your own grass is cheaper than hiring the kid next door, driving your own car is cheaper than taking the taxi every day, and cleaning your own house is cheaper than hiring a maid! We'll get through this recession yet!
To coin your vernacular..
"Who knew"?