Via Hit & Run, here is a helpful Detroit Free Press graphic explaining Flint's new law against saggy pants. That ought to kick the crime problem in the butt. Niney-three days to a year in jail and/or up to $500 in fines -- zowie, that's a serious law.
We used to call it properly-fitted clothing.
(and remember can't hide that saggy waistline with that oversized white t-shirt....)
Now, if we could ONLY get that working HERE in Ft. Wayne...the city's money problems would go bye-bye in a bloody WEEK...LOL!
One thing's for sure. We need a revitalization of the domestic auto industry. People in Flint have too much time on their hands
Is there really a new law? Isn't this just a reinterpretation of an existing law, by Dicks?