Gimme that lunch, kid!
School lunchboxes could soon be monitored by dinner ladies to ensure children are eating healthy meals, ministers said.
Under the Government's obesity strategy, all schools will be expected to design a "healthy lunchbox policy" on what makes a nutritional packed lunch over the next year.
Some parents may even be asked to sign a form agreeing to ban unhealthy foods from their children's lunches.
If a packed lunch is deemed to contain too much fat and sugar, parents could be sent warning letters or their children's meals confiscated.
I sometimes worried that my lunch would be taken, but the bully was usually someone nearer my own age.
For those of you that didn't pay attention to my warning, I offer a hearty "I TOLD YOU SO!"
AND, this policy should dove-tail nicely with Englands proposed policy on just letting fat and/or old people die to keep health care costs in line.
So who determines what happens to the confiscated food, and who makes sure the dinner ladies don't suddenly gain an incredible amount of weight?
nom nom nom...
It's a pity not to teach in advance how it should be, but to judge afterwards.
Anyway, situation in Germany is not different.