Is Mitch Daniels conservative enough for the GOP presidential primaries?
There is a good conservative case against Mitch Daniels's potential presidential candidacy. But this American Thinker piece isn't it.
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The serious case against Daniels is that he was too eager upon taking office to raise income taxes on upper earners, that his paper-clip-counting ways take frugality to a counterproductive extreme, that his suggestion that we consider cutting defense spending (attacked superficially in the AT piece) is not well thought out or connected to a coherent strategic vision, and that his proposed “truce” on social issues is an unforced fumble that leaves the field open for the disingenuous "safe, legal, and rare” liberals.
"Paper-clip counting ways." Ouch.
Conservatives don't believe in AGW, but Mitch won't answer the question about man-made global warming, yes or no? He really doesn't have to do so because he supports alternate energy sources/ethanol and pipelines to send CO2 to defunct oil wells.
He is not interested Right-to-Work laws or busting the public unions whose pensions will eat up 20% of state revenues every year after 2019 per a Kellogg School study last year.
Just a couple examples, but he is either stupid or not conservative - or both.