Sometimes we forget what monsters sexual predators are. This creep from Muncie makes it easy to remember:
Authorities said Dyer took his daughter and two of her friends, ages 15 and 12, to the Best Western motel, 3011 W. Bethel Ave., on March 27, 2006, purportedly so the girls could enjoy the facility's swimming pool.
Dyer was accused of fondling and partially disrobing the older girl -- while his daughter and the other girl were asleep in the same room -- after persuading his victim to ingest cocaine and alcohol.
One of the commenters makes the obvious point that people usually don't just start behaving this way at age 52 -- there are likely other victims out there, too. He's going to be one of those offenders who has to register after he gets out of prison. I'd just keep him locked up instead. He was just sentenced to eight years, which means he can get out in four.
If not sooner, but the gov't still won't be allowed to see what's on HIS PC.
Be glad you don't have about FIFTY of them in a 3 mile radius of YOUR house.
(send them all to ALASKA - plenty of nothing for them to do there)