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Opening Arguments

Now there are 10

The Indianapolis Star lists "9 reasons taxes went through roof." It lists everything except the one thing I woud have put at the top of the list -- governments spent more, which required them to take more of our money. When some of us talk about the institutional (as opposed to deliberate) liberal bias of the press, this is the kind of theing we mean. There is a presumption that, of course, governments need to do more things and charge more for them, so questioning government spending would just not occur to anybody.


A J Bogle
Mon, 07/23/2007 - 9:06am

Except that Indiana politics are and have been dominated by Republicans for decades.

But I agree it is a rather humorous sin of omission.

The old pointing out the splinter in others eyes while ignoring the log in their own!

What Liberal Bias I ask - a recent study showed that over 90% of the boradcast media was right biased or owned by right leaning corporate entities.

Jon Olinger
Mon, 07/23/2007 - 11:12am

Actually, Indiana has not been dominated by any single party in a very long time. We've had a Dem governor for 12 of the past 15 years and the house and senate have rarely been owned by one party at the same time.

It doesn't seem to matter who is in charge once people get elected they adopt the "nanny state" mentality and believe that all problems can be solved thru either more legislation or more spending. If a constituent provides you with a sob story about how little Johnny got bullied at school... lets write a "bully bill". If our public education system is floundering (by politician's definitions) lets throw money at it and not worry about institutional change.

Things get much more expensive...but hey we feel good about ourselves now!

Leo Morris
Mon, 07/23/2007 - 1:34pm

There are countless studies showing most reporters are Democrats or liberals, and you point to ONE showing the opposite conclusion? Since owners still make a point of staying out of newsrooms' business, it doesn't matter that much what their politics are. The Wall Street Journal is a good example. It's editorial page is among the most reliably consevative in the business, reflecting (I persume) the preferences and prejudices of the owners. But the news stories have the same liberal slant as do those in most of the mainstream media.
