Go to hell, and take your civil discourse with you:
The left wants us to be civil — after being so uncivil for a decade.
Bite me.
There is grown-up work to do now. Liberals ran up the federal credit card, destroyed the American medical system and undermined the rule of law — which is the foundation of capitalism — with a bunch of unconstitutional fiats from the president and his bureaucracy.
[. . .]
It's my turn now. I am not going to scream back. But I refuse to allow anyone to dictate what I say or how I say it. I refuse to allow the same foul-mouthed, foul-spirited foul people who dumped on me to now try to tell me what I may or may not say.
My free speech matters more than the feelings of anyone on the left. You don't like what I say? Tough.
I will not allow people to label my words Hate Speech or try to lecture me on civility.
Amen, brother. There is a fine line between arguing passionately and being uncivil. Those who cross the line repeatedly always want to move it back a little (or a lot) for the other side.
Amen to Don Surber. The incessant whining from leftist loons about "incivility" in todays political climate is laughable. The coarseness of political debate today is positively mild compared to what it was in 1776 and throughout the 1800's and early 20th century.
Progressive political whining started in the early 1900's as the predecessor to political correctness and has produced political discourse far more restrained really than before. Heck we don't even have Duels anymore!
Liberals ran up the federal credit card? He's in favor of being angry but opposed civil discourse and, apparently, remembering recent history. Got it.
Doug, this administration has spent in two years more than all previous administrations combined.
Did Bush spend too much? Of course. No argument there, but while the discourse "levels" are debatable, facts on spending are just that, facts.
You can't justify bankrupting the nation by claiming "well, Bush overspent too".
In what economic universe is it sound policy to borrow and spend more money than you'll ever be able to repay?? Short of taxing everyone in the country 100%, how you gonna pay it back?
"Spent more in two years than all previous administrations combined."
What is that based on? I ask because a year ago, Obama's critics were publicly telling what Factcheck.org called a "Texas-sized whopper." See:
So, the stories about Obama's spending have grown in the telling.
Doug- you are wasting your time. In Zank's mind Democrats are the root of all that is bad in the world. If Obama were to cure cancer tomorrow, Zank would ask "why did it take you 2 years?"
I have no doubt whatever numbers I throw out, our favorite scorched earth democrat operative will cite scads of different reports derived from scads of different "experts" miraculously showing Nancy, Harry & Barry really didn't spend that much, we were just looking at the decimal points incorrectly and we are simply to naive to understand how 2+2 = 57.
You guys can sit by idly on the deck chairs and hold up your Hope and Change signs, but if you haven't noticed, the other 75% of us on the Titanic have come to the realization that no matter how many ways you want to spin it, 2+2 is still 4 and always will be.
Adding trillions of dollars of debt is economic suicide.
Tim, I know you don't like facts. But the truth is you have been spun by the right wing...look up the facts for yourself...and then you will come to our side!
If you are really interest in the national debt, here is something I have noticed. The national debt doubles about every 7-8 years regardless of who is in office.