Hoosier cashiers are warned to beware of quick-change artists:
A couple of quick change scammers recently made off with around $200 in less than a half-hour in two Linton stores.
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According to Jerrell, this (leaving the money on top of the drawer) was a common practice in years past and it was started for reasons like this.
"They may hand you a $20 bill and you should leave it on the drawer. This way when they say 'I gave you a 50,' the bill is still laying out there and you won't make a mistake. If you had already stuck it down in the drawer, then you can't prove they're wrong, or maybe even remember what they gave you amid all that confusion," said Jerrell.
In addition, cashiers should be aware that quick change scammers will start asking for change at the end of the transaction. Jerrell said as change is given back, a scammer may start asking if you can give them change for another bill. That should be a warning.
"Whenever a quick change scammer hits, most cashiers tell the officers that they knew something wasn't right but they didn't know exactly what it was and couldn't stop it. By the time they're done, the scammer walks away with too much money and the cashier is left replaying the transaction in their mind and trying to figure out what just happened. By the time they do, the scammer is gone," said Jerrell.
I have the feeling that when this "bailout crisis" has been addressed by Congress, we're all going to feel like those poor cashiers: We just know something isn't right but we don't know exactly what it is and can't stop it. Whoops, too late -- the transaction is over, and the scammer is gone.
Be warned. Keep those bills on top of the drawer as long as possible, metaphorically speaking.
UPDATE: Well, it just never ends, does it? What's a good old-fashioned bailout bill without a few earmarks?
Just a new take on the old 3 card monty.