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Opening Arguments

Snuff it, geezers

Every smoking ban in the country (at least so far) has allowed for smoking in people's homes. But what about when somebody's home is also a place of business?

Delaware County's ban on smoking in most work places and public buildings has put local nursing homes in a no-win situation.

If a nursing home complies with the local ordinance, it will violate a federal regulation, and if it complies with the federal regulation, it will violate the local ordinance.

Well, do whatever you want to. They're just old people anyway -- screw 'em:

But two of the three commissioners say they don't plan to approve the exemption when final action is taken on Oct. 2.

"How many people are in these nursing homes because of a smoking habit?" asked Commissioner Larry Crouch, who believes smoking should not be allowed in nursing homes.

It's their own fault for getting old, too. If they'd really been trying, they would have used a better old-age preventive than smoking.

You think that kind of superior, callous attitude doesn't carry over into the commissioner's dealings with other constituents?

Posted in: Hoosier lore


Audrey Silk
Mon, 09/25/2006 - 11:43pm

My gratitude to you for taking this subject, and the mean-spiritedness that comes with it, up.

I normally have a high threshold for prejudicial comments of the kind Commissioner Crouch made. It's a matter of retaining one's sanity because there are so many ludicrous comments that come out of anti-smokers' mouths that to let all of them get to you would drive one insane.

But this is one that cannot be let past. This is where the anti-smoker insanity turns inhumane. Commissioner Crouch is essentially advocating punishment to justify his position. What's another offense to their dignity if it will teach them a lesson, right? I mean, HE'S in charge of their lives now, right?

This is elder abuse of one kind if I ever saw it.

I'm surprised Mr. Crouch isn't excommunicated from the Church of Anti-Smoking for suggesting that smokers even reach old age. If this was a bad joke, the answer to "How many people are in these nursing homes because of a smoking habit?" would be: none. They're all dead.

Ahhh, but when it's convenient to this group of moralists, smokers can live to ripe old ages and put in a position to be kicked.

tim zank
Tue, 09/26/2006 - 4:10am

Nicely said!
