Today we have two great examples of "What, me, too?" encounters with police. First up, the father-son team of Derrick and John Sadler. Derrick, deputy coroner for Kosciusko County, was nabbed for drunken driving. So police called his father, the county coroner, to come pick up his son's vehicle:
When he arrived Trooper Brian Kreger found probable cause that John was also operating while intoxicated.
[. . .]
Both Derrick and John Sadler are in the Whitley County jail.
Wonder who'll make the phone call? Whether she hears "Guess what, Mom?" or "Guess what, honey?" that's not going to be a happy woman.
Then we have poor Sergio Fernandez. The good news is that the guy who burglarized his house, Juan Trujuillo, was nabbed, along with the stolen goods. Unfortunately, the goods consisted of 15 bricks of marijuana:
Fernandez got home as police were checking his house and gave officers permission to search it. When they did, the report says they found another 14 ounces of marijuana.
Let these be lessons. If you're going to be an innocent bystander, don't forget the innocent part.
Roger THAT, Leo...LOL!