The Democrats, who capitalized on the theme of Republican corruption, turn to the likes of Harry "real estate" Reid and John "Abscam" Murtha for leadership. The Republicans put Trent Lott back into leadership as I like to whip those who are members of a minority whip. It looks like we are going to be harangued for two years by John McCain and Hillary Clinton as they race toward their presidential nominations. I don't know about the rest of you, but I need a nap. Wake me when we get out of Iraq or we have whipped global warming, whichever comes sooner.
We won't get fooled again.
Doug, remember the rest of the lyrics..?
Meet the new boss? Same as the old boss?
It would appear nobody on either side of the aisle has any intention of really getting anything accomplished except business as usual....s.o.s.
Makes a third party really start to look appealing, eh?
Like I said - toss 'um all out, ...